It is with the greatest sadness and much heartache that we note the passing of a very special member of our immediate "family".

September 17, 1991 - August 6, 2004
...our dear, sweet boy, known to all as "Bear Bear." He was loved immeasurably by our daughter Wendy whose heart he owned from the day he was born. At this time there simply are no words to convey how much we feel the loss of him and how very much he is loved. He is so terribly missed by Wendy, Jammie, Sharon and Steve.

Ch.Shomberg's Ltd. Edition Bear
("Bear," Ch.Riverside's Country Legend CD x Ch. Oaklore's Katja von Shomberg)Littermate to Feather Duster, all around good
'ol boy, Specialty winner, hates bees, loves the Dairy Queen. Bred by Steve & Sharon and loved beyond words by Wendy
(Dattilio) & Jammie Shanholtz.
"For sweet Bear Bear, sending you "home" was a last gesture of her deepest love from the person who was the center of your world. It was the most difficult choice to make in a life spent loving you beyond words. For your quiet and gentle spirit and your unquestionable devotion, we have all been richly blessed and so now are you. With heaven's peace to make you whole once again, may you always wait for the sound of her voice and the smile
on her face. In the quiet times of night and the morning's first blush of sunlight, your beautiful face and warm brown eyes will always bring a smile for a heart so sorely broken by your loss.
The best part of you remains in thoughts and dreams where you are held in loving arms, knowing that the shortness of life spent here is just a prelude to the time when she'll hold you close forever and always."
Leesy, Wendy and Jammie out for a day with Shomberg dogs.