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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable

Shomberg Litters
As we plan, breed, whelp, and place litters, we do our best to let our visitors know how it's all going. Folks interested in our breeding program should read up on our puppy placement practices and philosophy.
Breeder Education
In keeping with an effort to continually educate and stay abreast of the most current information and training with regard to breeding, whelping and neo-natal care, Sharon recently attended a 2 day seminar given by Myra Savant-Harris RN. With emphasis on effective care of the bitch prior to breeding, care of the stud dog and bringing healthy puppies into the world as a result, this seminar gave added insight into areas not always known to those who breed dogs limitedly or those breeders without extensive medical training.

Accessibility to the latest methods and techniques in medicine and reproduction as well as resources for canine plasma to boost the immune system were made available. The fact that so many animal rights groups are seeking to limit ethical and responsible breeders from producing healthy puppies in the future makes seminars such as this so very helpful for those of us who have these efforts embedded so deeply in our hearts. For us it is a labor of love and a choice.

Fewer and fewer studies and research will be funded in the future due to the efforts of these radical groups and good breeders will find it more and more necessary to rely on resources within their own networks in order to allow the breeding and placing of viable and healthy puppies to warm the hearts of a family. Continuing education by way of accredited seminars and classes that teach the latest ways to ensure the health of our puppies and dogs is vital and should be embraced by every good breeder. And so we strive to become more knowledgeable and better equipped to provide those who come to us for a puppy with one that has a long, healthy and wonderful life in a loving home and family.


For information on pending, current, and some past litters, just follow the links below:

Information on Shomberg dogs and the litters bred over 35 years prior to those listed here since 2002 can easily be obtained from Sharon and Steve.
Copyright © 2025, Shomberg German Shorthaired Pointers
Site design and maintenance by NorseCode and UplandLife.com