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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable

Matriarch of Shomberg
GSPCA Top Producer
Love of Our Life

Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster

September 17, 1991 -- April 17, 2005
The struggle is over and now she rests peacefully in the lap of God

Our beautiful, sweet girl has gone "home" and is once again whole and without the pains of this lifetime. Even when one knows the inevitable must come, the decision we make in letting them go leaves the heart raw with with pain and emotions like no other. It is the price we pay for loving them so dearly.

If it were not for our dear Feather there would never have been a Marco, a Monroe, a Missy, a Madison, a Semi, a Katja, a Timber, a Sable, a Hailey, a Noah, a Gabby, a Summer, a Holly, a George, a Jolie, a Chase, a Bitte or any of her other beautiful children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They have all graced our lives, giving every one of us so very much joy every day that they have shared with us. And it was all because of this one very special dog.

Bringing her into our world was truly a labor of love and letting her go was even more so. So hard, so terribly hard. Kissing her, holding her and wishing her back to God was our last gift to her. Her last gift to us was the peaceful, knowing look in her sweet brown eyes that simply said it all.

Hopefully God has bushes with low hanging branches and windows with long flowing curtains to tickle her back as we remember how much she loved that feeling as she moved in slow motion back and forth, back and forth. "Feather," it surely must have been in the name.

We ask now for your patience and your understanding as we go through our grieving quietly in the days ahead. We sincerely appreciate all of your thoughts and your kind words of support during this very emotional time.

With great pride and overwhelming sadness,
Steve and Sharon
Feather with her girls.
Feather with "her girls," Katja, Jolie, Semi, and Missy.
 click on any image to enlarge it in a new window
"Feather Duster"
October 1995
"Feather Duster" 
GSPCA NSS Nationals. 
Jacksonville, FL 2001
" at Nationals. 
Jacksonville, FL 2001

Feather with pups.
"Feather" with 1995 litter 
(Marco, Sophie, Timber, etc.)
Feather with pups
"Feather" -- always cuddling, always nurturing -- the consumate mother!
Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster "Feather" Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster ("Feather" - Ch.Riverside's Country Legend CD x Ch. Oaklore's Katja Von Shomberg) taking Winners Bitch/Best of Winners at the the Mason Dixon Specialty, 1994. Awarded this win by long-time breeder/judge Robert Arnold.
Feather and Wendy
Feather, Shomberg's Grand Dam.

Feather - 

Richly blessed we have been to share in your life here.

Our hearts will always know the pain of letting you go even
though we knew it was your choice and never ours alone.

When curtains roll softly in the quiet air of days yet to be,
we will smile and know that you are with us still as you move ever so slowly to catch their lingering and gentle touch upon your back.

You are so loved and so very missed with every passing day.

Forever will I remember the look in your aged, but still clear, brown eyes as you peacefully and ever so simply let go of earthly bonds. Your heart so labored in its last hours to allow you to go in your time, and in your place. It was as if time stood still for those brief moments. Silence fell, save but for the quiet sounds of parting breaths, and gentle words that bid you love and a quiet journey back to God’s home and heaven’s fields.

Forever will we remember your coming into our lives and the sweetness of your spirit as you grew through impish puppy years to become a treasured part of our lives. Almost by innocence you came to grow more loved than anyone might imagine possible. But, for two people whose lives you shared the time was so precious and far too short. 

Forever, by definition, a period that is un-ending and so it will always be that you visit in memory from time to time just to let us know you’re never too far. The limits of our lifetime here cannot begin to measure the heart’s travel nor the breadth of love it will hold. You are and always will be a part of us. Keeping you close in spirit and thought allows us to honor you and all that you’ve given in your time here.

Forever will I remember you. You have been a gift in life’s earthbound journey and mercifully now you suffer no more. But, hearts still here long for that dear brown face etched in white; that knowing presence that graced our lives and made us all the better for loving you. In the deepest part of one’s soul there is the understanding that God gives the very best to those who leave the choice to Him, and we have. Heaven is richly blessed to have you now and so were we. Until we meet again, our dearest Feather, run in God’s fields and rest well at day’s end.

Forever remember us and wait by heaven’s gate. 

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