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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable
December 3, 1997 - November 3, 2002
(Ch. Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster)
Bred by Steve & Sharon.  Loved, owned and cherished by 
Tim & Ginger Cerniglia
Missy, loving life.
Life's a party!  I'll bring dinner!

We were lucky to have had our Missy, Misery, Miss Me, and finally Miss Marie in our lives. She gave us MANY laughs. Her swimming antics (jumping into the air and landing on whatever dog was ahead of her) as she raced for the toys. Her wonderful retrieving ability - You would never starve on a deserted Island - She would be the one to have with you. Never mind pointing! - get the bird and bring it to Dad. Who needs a gun! 

Her beautiful face with the squinty eyes shoved between your legs with her tail going faster than a humming birds wings. And Oh! The kisses ... She would rather be kissed than ever have a treat. Then there was the time I thought a bear was in the tree, No, it was Missy in the tree in the back yard ... 7-8 ft in the air. Then the time she was standing on the shed roof ... scared us to death ... So many funny stories. Always happy. Always a puppy!  She was the alarm clock in the morning. The first to get up and the last to be tucked in.  Lovingly remembered by "Mom."
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Missy backing her brace mate.
Missy was truly exceptional in the field and she lived to please Tim who adored her. They were a "team" and lest anyone ever doubt it, you needed only to watch them work the fields together.
That was fun!
The only thing that Missy enjoyed more than hunting with Tim was knowing that going home meant laying on the sofa and sharing kisses with "mom."  When dad said "let's go"... there was never a question because going home was just the best!
"Our dear, beautiful Missy ... now passed from this life to another far better. And though we know that someday we'll be together again, the parting is so difficult; the heartache almost unbearable.
Your vibrancy, your energy, your beauty and your love for those who shared your life simply cannot be expressed in words. For those of us you left behind ... every tear sends our love to you and every memory makes our hearts smile. May your spirit cover the fields of heaven with the same joy that you knew here as you watch for the loving arms to come and hold you close once again for eternity."
Miss Marie
Missy had a lovely head and neck that absolutely flowed into her beautiful shoulders and this profile shows it well.
Missy is shown here at the GSPCA National Specialty show in MN/St. Paul in 1999. She was handled to her placement here and to many others by her other "grandma", Patty Crowley, who owned Missy's dad, "Keeper". Patty loved her and was so terribly proud of her ... as we all were.
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