Ch. Riverside's Mocha Von Shomberg JH ("Mocha," Ch.Riverside's Country Legend CD x Ch. Oaklore's Katja Von
Shomberg). Multiple Specialty/Group
placing winner.

Mocha finished her Championship by winning a 5 pt. major at the Nutmeg GSP
Specialty Show on July 9, 1994. Judged by Judy Doniere and handled by Bob.

Riverside's Mocha von Shomberg JH winning a Group 2 under respected judge,
Dr. Asa Mays. And who......who is that charming young woman with the windblown hairdo ?? Why...... I do believe it is that wonderfully talented handler, Patty Crowley.

"Mocha" arrived and Bob & Ann came to
see her and take her first picture. Here at 2 days
old, April 1993.

Bob with Mocha at 7 weeks. She already knew how to get close to your heart and she did so every chance she got.

with 9 week old Mocha at the Eastern Specialty 1993.

Best In Sweepstakes win at the GSP Club of North Florida Specialty held with Tampa Bay KC show at 8 months of age. Awarded the win by respected breeder/judge Dr.Steve Herman and handled to the win by Bob.
Ch. Riverside Mocha Von Shomberg JH ("Mocha"),
Best of Opposite Sex at the Eastern GSP Club Specialty,
1995, under Australian judge Michael Byrnes. Mocha was
bred by Steve & Sharon, and is owned by Bob &
Ann Keegan ("Riverside").

Riverside's Mocha Von Shomberg JH ("Mocha") shown
here at 5 weeks - "already watching the

at 3 months old.

watches to see how this show stuff works, August 1993.