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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable

Shomberg Wins Big At GSPCA National Specialty Show and the GSP Club of North Florida Specialty Jacksonville, Florida 2001

We've attended and exhibited at many GSPCA National shows over the years, but 2001 was a breeder's dream come true. Our breeding program was honored so many times over, that at times it's even difficult to grasp the scope of it.

The week began with meeting friends from all over the U.S., some which we only see at these national events. So, it's always special in that aspect alone.

Competition in the National Futurity was, as always, of the highest degree. It is truly a "Breeder's Showcase" and the puppies presented are always truly some of the best you'll see anywhere.

Shomberg 'N Partridge Run Lead 'N Man ("Gable") gave us our first honor by winning Best Of Opposite in the Futurity under long time breeder/judge Mrs. Mary Finley. Other puppies from Gable's litter as well as puppies produced by "Marco" and "April" were honored with awards as well.

The National Sweepstakes for puppies was judged by the GSPCA Hall of Fame member and respected breeder/judge Robert H. McKowen. His choice for Best In Sweeps was awarded to Snowy River 'N Shomberg Honeybriar ("Briar") bred by Leesy McDonnell and Sharon Dattilio. Briar is owned and loved by Rich Mahoney, and was shown to the win by professional handler Peggy Roush. What a thrill!

In the Bitch Classes, again we were bestowed the honor of winning the 12-18 month class and then the Winners Bitch award for a 5 point major under respected judge Beth G. Speich. Our winner, Ch. Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ("Monroe"), was bred by Steve and Sharon and P. Williams. She is owned by Steve and Sharon and her new co-owner, "Grandma" Patty Crowley. How exciting can one National Specialty get!!

Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster ("Feather") took 3rd in the Veteran Bitch Class (8 years and older) and 2nd in the Veterans Sweepstakes. Not bad for a girl her age!!

In the Best Of Breed competition, "Marco", our Ch. Shomberg's Browning Citori, took a first Award Of Merit, which was his second National AOM; his other was in 1999 in Minneapolis-St. Paul.

North Florida GSP Specialty  
Best in Sweepstakes - Ch. Snowy River 'N Shomberg A Of Del ("Aspen") bred by Leesy McDonnell and Sharon. This handsome youngster was a champion at 10 months and is owned by Bridget Book of PA, where he gets to work on birds daily on their preserve.

We are proud to say that overall, the 2001 National Specialty Show and the North Florida Specialty Show garnered 29 awards for our breeding program and for those who either own Shomberg dogs and bitches or those who bred their lovely bitches to Marco. Marco had 13 of his sons and daughters entered and 11 came away with awards. Are we proud ?  You'd better believe it !!  But most of all, we would like to thank not only the judges who gave the awards but also the people who trusted in us and our dogs. We are extremely grateful to them for allowing these dogs and bitches to compete and to represent Shomberg as they do. It is an honor to call each and every one of them "family."

It was exciting and thrilling !!  At moments ... it was truly overwhelming.  It was every breeder's dream come true !!  Thank you, everyone ... "for the memories." 

Gable at the 2001 National Show
Shomberg 'N Partrdge Run Lead'n Man ("Gable") won Best of Oppostie Sex in the GSPCA National Futurity Show Jacksonville, FL 2001, under breeder/judge Mrs. Mary Finley. Handled by Tina Craig for owners John and Teesie Bonk.
Monroe at the 2001 Nationals
At the GSPCA 2001 National Specialty Show on May 26th, Monroe took Winners Bitch - a five-point major win - under esteemed judge Beth G. Speich.

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