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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable
February 8th, 2003

Riverwray Mavrick Marco's Polo JH NA CD NGC
(Ch.Shomberg's Browning Citori x Ch RiverWray's First Deadly Sin)
Breeders - Darlene & Randy Raiford (RiverWray) 
& Margaret Hatfield (Maverick)
Owned, loved and handled by Kris Eckard (Stilpoint GSPs)

These words from Kris say it all!

The "POLO Man" was "ON" and didn't place a foot wrong as he went Winners Dog, under Judge Michael Faulkner, at the Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club Specialty held with the Garden Specialty Association Shows in Secaucus NJ.

"His win was a 4 point major!!!! This was a huge win for Polo and me, I can't describe how exciting it was and how happy I felt for him to win. This is his second major and he only needs a few singles now to finish his Championship.

Thanks to a lot of people, too many to mention, Everyone ring side who's excitement was past on to me through their hugs and congratulations made this win feel so special. It was really nice to see a lot of GSP people that I have not seen for a while.

Special thanks to Tina - who got me there in the first place, to Grandma Patty who smiled at Polo and gave him "Cheese" (Polo thought that was great because he didn't get breakfast!) and Brenda's support ring side, and for my Mom who baby sat everyone else who had to stay at home so I could be gone all day. The day just went right for both Polo and me."

Woooo Hooo for the "POLO Man"

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