April, 2007

Ch Rwray-Marvck Devil's Advocate, CDX, NAJ, NA
(Ch. Shomberg's browning Citori x Ch. RiverWray's First Deadly Sin)
Pictured here after winning the
High In Trial and High Combined
at the 2007 GSPCA National
We are thrilled to showcase this talented "team" who continue to do wonderful things that highlight our wonderful breed and
The love and dedication, the skill and training needed to perform at this level of competition is truly something to be admired.
Beth loves Dev and he loves her and watching them in competition only makes one more aware of the depth of commitment required by both dog and handler.
Our sincere congratulations and appreciation to Beth and Devlin as they continue to make us very, very proud. We are blessed to have them in our Shomberg family.
Devlin was bred by Darlene & Randy Raiford (RiverWray GSPs)
and Margaret Hatfield (Maverick)
He is loved, owned, trained and exclusively handled
to every title and win by Dr. Beth Cochran