With deepest sadness and heartfelt sympathy we note the passing of
Ch.Snowyriver Piece 'O The Rock

Olde Ridge Pride 'N Joy JH x Ch.
Shomberg's Snowy River JH)
April 15, 1997 - December 31, 2007
Bred by Leesy McDonnell (Snowy
River GSPs) and Sharon.
Owned and deeply loved by
Rich Mahoney & Brenda Rhodes (Honeybriar Acres)
"Ayers was a very special dog and we are all the better for having known him and had him to enrich the lives of those he so loved in return. Ever devoted to Rich and his dear GSP companion Sophie for so many years, their home will be a bit more quiet and the sofa will be missing his warmth and his gentle spirit tonight and for those yet to come. Ayers owned a dignity from his birth that was admirable and special and he passed it along to his puppies and for that we will be forever grateful. We extend our sincere sympathy and know that God has taken beautiful Ayers to lay with his dear Sophie whom he missed so much after her passing. They lie together now and play in heaven's fields with abandon. It couldn't have been easy to make the decision to send him home. God knows it was the right choice and the selfless love of his family allowed him to maintain his quiet dignity to his last day here on this earth.
Until the time comes again when Brenda & Rich will again meet Ayers, Sophie by his side, at heaven's gate, we wish a gentle rest for this beautiful and loving dog who never faltered in his devotion or his love for his special people. God bless and give peace to a very special boy."