Wednesday, July 30, 2008
James River Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Jane Forsyth
New Champion
Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite over ranked specials
for the major and her championship
* CH. Shomberg's Go Figure JH

(* pending AKC approval)
from the Olympic Gold Litter of 2006
(CH. Wyndbourne The Chances Are x
CH. Shomberg's Pawnee Love Song JH CGC)
Presented beautifully to her final championship points as well as Best Of Opposite over Ranked
Champions by professional handler, Patty Crowley
We are thrilled and so very happy for Cortina's owners, Dan & Lona Connicelli of NJ and the entire Conicelli family who have loved this special dog and allowed her the opportunity to represent Shomberg in such an
outstanding way. We are truly appreciative of your efforts.