Saturday, August 23, 2008
Middleburg Kennel Club
Middleburg, PA
Judge: Mr. John Ashby
Winners Bitch and Best of Winners
Shomberg 'N Debars One For the Road

(CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD x BIS/NSC CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM)
Owned by Jack & Sue Johnson of VA and Sharon.
Presented in the conformation ring by dear friend and professional handler, Peggy Roush.
Congratulations to Jack, Sue, Peg and Grandma Sue & Daddy Shain!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Middleburg Kennel Club
Middleburg, PA
Judge: Mr. Roger Hartinger
Winners Bitch
Shomberg 'N Debars One For The Road

Presented expertly and patiently in the ring by Peggy Roush
despite the butterfly chasing and fluttering bird distractions.
Congratulations Jack, Sue & Stoli!