Shomberg Announces the 2003
"Picture Perfect"
Ch. Sonnenschein's Take Aim ("Magnum")
Shomberg's Perfectly Summerized ("Summer")
here for pictures of 5 week old

Ch. Sonnenschein's Take Aim ("Magnum") |
Shomberg's Perfectly Summerized ("Summer") |
Magnum is OFA (pre-lim) Good, CERF normal, Thyroid normal and Cardiac clear. |
is OFA Excellent, CERF normal, Thyroid normal and Cardiac clear. |

"Magnum" |
Inquiries to:
Sharon Dattilio
Shomberg GSPs
447 Pangborn Blvd.
Hagerstown, MD 21742
(301)797-7718 |

"Magnum" |
Puppies are up and runnin'! They have wonderful personalities evolving and Summer is doing a great job of over-seeing their every move.
They are now playing with toys and interacting well with one another.
Faces are unbelievably sweet and their little bodies are changing daily; beginning to actually look like little dogs now. They all enjoy the attention given by visitors and family alike and have discovered the newest
"playground," i.e., the kitchen. Their "formal photos" will be taken on Saturday, 10/25 and will be on the
website shortly after that for everyone to see and make the usual "oohhhhhss and
Puppies are moving around the box easily now and are noticeably aware of their siblings. They have discovered their voices and occasionally startle themselves when they "bark". Within the next day they will learn that they have a "yard" and they will begin to venture out more and experience the open space that will allow them to move back and forth from bed to play area.
Summer is very attentive and she seems to really enjoy her puppies and caring for them as she does so well.
Puppies are growing fast and they are now moving around their box up on their legs though still a bit
wobbly. Eyes started opening yesterday (Sunday) and the process will continue through the next day or two, though still a bit cloudy. They will soon begin to see their world around them and begin to interact more and more each day.
Summer is a fantastic mother; very loving and attentive and keeping the puppies and their box
fastidiously clean.
Steve and Sharon are extremely happy to announce the arrive of the
"Picture Perfect" litter born Tuesday, Sept.16, 2003.
4 Males and 2 Bitches ... Pentax,
Vivitar, Canon, Minolta, Olympus and Fuji.
Though it was a longer affair
than expected in getting here, all are doing well and nestled contently in their warm box with mom, oblivious to the arrival and departure of
Hurricane "Isabel."
The pups are pictured below at 4
days old (photos taken on