GSPCA National Specialty
Show May
11-14th., 2004
Lancaster Host Inn &
Conference Center,
Lancaster, PA
Breeder-Judge: Mr.
James Burns
Entry: 451 GSPs
NSC/BIS/BISS Ch. Shomberg's Some Like It Hot
wins double awards at the
2004 GSPCA Nationals
Of Breed
AND #1
Top Twenty Five Award

Patty, Joan, Steve and Sharon with a part of the awards bestowed on Monroe including the Brittania Award for the winner of the National Specialty Show winner.

Gwen with Monroe in the ring. Never a foot wrong! Tina Craig in place directly behind with Monroe's "little sister," Crayola who looked just fabulous too. We are so proud of these beautiful girls.

Steve intent and watchful from the balcony; emotions in check...but not for long.

Gwen with Monroe as they show what teamwork is all about.

The photo might be a bit dark but this team was shining for sure! |

receives the award from GSPCA Vice-President and Top Twenty-Five Chairperson, Brenda Abraham, for placing #1 in the Top Twenty-Five competition on Thursday evening.

Monroe and Gwen show a perfect
"stack." |

Gwen &
Monroe in the ring.

Patty and Gwen in one of those "Do you believe this?" moments. |

Monroe shares in the hugs and the tears as she is awarded the GSPCA Show Dog Of The Year Award for 2003.

Joan accepts Monroe's gesture of affection and appreciation as Gwen, Patty and Sharon continue to
smile ...... and smile
..... and smile.

Joan, Gwen, Patty, Sharon
and Monroe
at the awards banquet.

Gwen & Sharon are nothing but smiles as they savor the moment.

Patty tearfully accepts the Velvet Elvis Award from last year's recipient, Peggy Roush. A very emotional tribute and well deserved indeed, this award has come to mean so much to everyone as it is given in memory of Ann Keegan who was not only a humble winner in this sport but also a gracious loser as well.
more news from the 2004
GSPCA National Specialty
more photos from the
more photos of Monroe