Saturday, September 11,
Prescott KC
Judge: Anne Katona
Best Of Breed for her first major.
Crestone Love Me Do
(Ch.Shomberg's browning Citori
- "Marco" x
Ch.Wind River Simple Twist Of Fate JH - "Twister")
Owned by Pat and George Stouter and Dan and Doris

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At the Desert German Shorthaired Pointer Club Specialty Show on Friday, September 10, "Secret" was Best Op in Sweeps under Pat Robinson AND Winners Bitch for two points by Breeder judge Susan Clemons
Secret's brother Crestone N Shomberg Revolution aka "Ringo" was awarded Best In Sweepstakes at the Desert GSPC Specialty Show. "Ringo" is adored and owned by Corey, Dan and Doris

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