20, 2005
We are very pleased to announce that
CH Rivrwray Mavrick Marco's Polo JH, CDX, AX, AXJ, RE, CGC
has accomplished his 5th AKC performance title for 2005!
Polo finished his RE - Rally-Obedience Excellent title yesterday at the Dauphin Dog Training club trial in Harrisburg PA. In one year he entered the Novice Rally ring and walked through the excellent title with 6 straight Q's. He was awarded a score of 98 out of 100 points, but was just out of the top 4 for ribbons is a class of 41+ entries. 2005 was a good year for Polo,
achieving his CDX in obedience, his AXJ in agility and all 3 rally titles RN, RA and RE. In addition to getting some more agility Q's that puts his just under 1/2 way to the MX and MXJ
making that a goal for 2006.

Steve and Sharon send sincere "Congratulations" to Kris and Polo for a terrific year of accomplishments and to Darlene and Randy Raiford who bred Polo. Obviously, we are thrilled to have Polo produced by our beautiful boy, Marco, whose youngsters have proven time and time again that titles and talent aren't limited by any specific or chosen activity but rather are the product of good genetics overall and hours of dedication and hard work.
WooooooHooooooo Kris and the "Polo Man"!
Wow! What a dog!