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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable
An Illustrated Guide To Puppy Development
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Below are pictures of puppies in their natural habitat. 
 To see pictures of
puppies as they are taught to stand for evaluation click here.



begin to nurse almost immediately after birth.

They receive essential antibodies from their mother's milk that will help them to develop strong immune systems.

Within a few days they start to explore their surroundings.

Sleeping is also a big pastime for puppies!

In the United States GSPs come in two flavors.  Those two flavors are solid liver (a dark brown), or any combination of liver and white.

At just about 10-14 days old their eyes begin to open.

Then, they begin to practice using their new eyes more each day.
First taste of puppy gruel.
At about 3 weeks old the puppies are introduced to puppy gruel for the first time.
Once they get the idea they take to it readily.
Taking to eating puppy gruel on her own.
 They soon begin to eat on their own and gradually stop nursing from their mother. 

Even at 4 weeks old you can see each puppy's personality developing.

The pups are handled regularly throughout each day.

Wendy holding "Summer" at 6 weeks.

There are no holds barred when dinner is served.

 Puppies continually get to experience new terrain and environments.

 The pups get so used to folks holding them that they find it very easy to fall fast asleep in anyone's arms.

This is what the "temporary kennel" (the kitchen) looks like until the pups are old enough to be placed in their new homes, which is 8 weeks.  

Here the pups worship at 
"Sharon's Yogurt Altar."

And, of course, they play and play,
April checking out the garden hose.
and explore.
Pups on a crate.
Pups have a great time with "obstacles" they quickly learn to overcome and make into playthings.
Gable in arms
 Puppy ("Gable") knows he's being cradled in the arms of someone who loves him.
Click here to see puppies as they are taught to stand for evaluation. 
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