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Lily and Paprazzi Breeding Is Completed
We are very excited to announce the upcoming litter of Australian & American CH. Moruada Meet The Press......" Paparazzi " to our own homebred CH. Shomberg's Olympic Gold....."Lily" Breeding Completed! Expected Delivery Date July 3rd!
Read more about the Lily / Paparazzi breeding. This is our very first breeding that takes us outside of the boundries of the United States in a well planned combination with the highly respected, top winning bloodlines of Sue Wright of Moruada Kennels in Australia. Our sincere appreciation to Sue ( Moruada ) and Jan Bradfelt and Diana James of Snow Creek German Shorthaired Pointers in working with us to achieve what we hope will be an outstanding litter of beautiful puppies. Currently Paparazzi is residing in Oregon at Snow Creek but he will be returning to his homeland in early 2010 where he'll no doubt continue to be an outstanding representative of Moruada and the German Shorthair breed. Our beautiful Lily produced a litter in January of 2009 that at 9 months of age are already winning in the show ring as well as the hearts of their owners. A very personable bitch with many lovely qualities of her own have made her the perfect choice for the very handsome Paparazzi and we are extremely happy that our dreams are soon to be realized in this combination of two very special dogs with very special ancestory and winning records in their own right. Our hope is that we produce exceptional shorthairs that will be a credit to their breed as well as a reflection of those desirable characteristics that have made them so sought after by so many who choose to own and love this fantastci breed. Great care has been taken to ensure that our goals are met with respect to producing puppies that have correct structure, oustanding temperament and overall beauty as well as plenty of natural instinctive hunting ability. In other words, we're going for the "total package". All health certifications are completed on both Paparazzi and Lily and as always we guarantee health and quality in each puppy placed. Reservations are strongly encouraged as we will be limiting the number of deposits accepted for this breeding. Additional information may be obtained by contacting us directly at Shomberg2@aol.com Read more about the Lily / Paparazzi breeding. Labels: lily-paparazzi
"Georgia" Goes Winners Bitch
Another Great Day !!! We're Still Smilin'......... *********************************************************************************************************************** Vancouver Kennel Club Ridgefield, WA October 24. 2009 Judge " Ms. Kathryn Cowsert Winners Bitch Shomberg 'N Northwind's A Little Tipsey........"Georgia" ( CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/ BIS/ BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM) The lovely Georgia is owned, loved and shown in the conformation ring by Becky Greenway of WA. We are very proud of this beautiful young bitch as she moves toward her championship and we are so appreciative to Becky for allowing her the opportunity to represent Shomberg. We are exceptionally proud of these girls. Congratulations !!!!
Quite The Weekend !!!
Another great weekend for Shomberg dogs gives us reason to celebrate !! BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus....."Simmer" (CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) begins it all on Friday in Springfield, MA with a Best of Breed under Judge Judy Harrington and continues on Saturday with yet another best of Breed and a Sporting Group Third win under Judge Ron Menaker for owners, Jim Deppen, Mimi Winkler and Sharon. Saturday October 24,2009......Mason-Dixon GSP Specialty Show *********************************************************************************************************** Judge Jim Martin awards Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 4 pt. major win from the 9- 12 month puppy class in only his 4th. show to "Shomberg's Timeless Masterpiece"...."Chance" (CH.Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly SH x CH.Shomberg's Olympic Gold ) Chance is also awarded Best of Opposite In Puppy Sweepstakes under judge David Gontz And as always he was skillfully and handsomely presented to these wins by Patty Crowley for his very excited and proud owners, Van & Connie Smith of MD who walked away with many lovely awards to commemorate the days' wins. Pretty exciting to have a puppy do this at this ageand we are all very proud of this handsome youngster who appears to have quite a future ahead of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shomberg's Olympic Flame......"Sara" (BIS CH.Wyndbourne The Chances Are JH x CH.Shomberg's Pawnee Love Song JH CGC ) Sara came away with her own lovely awards for her Specialty Reserve Winners Bitch for proud and beaming owners, Wayne & Nancy Kulig of VA. Sara is also presented in the show ring exclusively by Patty Crowley who always showcases her beautiful movement and classic style. This girl makes heads turn !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BISS CH.Shomberg 'N DeBars One For The Road ....."Stoli" (CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) Stoli is awarded a Specialty Show Award of Merit in Best of Breed competition by Judge Jim Martin. Presented by co-breeder Patty Crowley for Jack & Sue Johnson of VA, this strikingly stylish bitch has such fluid and sound movemnet, classic style and correct structure that she continues to catch the eye of every judge who sees her. We are all so very proud of Stoli who represents the next generation of outstanding Shomberg bitches to take the show ring by storm. When the girls show up.........lookout !! And Stoli is no exception. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday......October 25, 2009 The Weekend Continues !!! "Chance" takes Reserve Winners Dog to the major from the 9 to 12 puppy class...Way To Go !! ( Presented by Patty ) "Sara" is awarded Winners Bitch for the major under judge Ann Savory Bolus......Wooo Hooooo !!! (Presented by Patty ) "Stoli" competes with big sister "Simmer" in the Best of Breed Class and does it with style.....Game On !! (Presented by Patty ) "Simmer" is awarded Best of Breed by Judge Ann Savory Bolus and continues on to a Sporting Group Two with the crowd cheering their approval. Handled beautifully in the Breed and Group rings by her handler, Pamela Bober, for Jim, Mimi and Sharon How much better could it get ????? We are so very appreciative to the owners and handlers of these beautiful Shomberg dogs who make us so very proud. For all that *you* do for them and for us, we say "Thank you". Steve & Sharon
Simmer Makes A Little Bit Of History !!
Wow !! It was one helluva weekend !!!! Not too sure about the record books but we surely did have a fabulous weekend to celebrate ************************************************************************************************************************************* Best In Show and Multiple Group Winning CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus......."Simmer" (Top Producing CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX & Top Producing Muliple BIS/NSC/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) was awarded 4 consecutive Sporting Group One awards and an All Breed Best In Show Sincere appreciation to our Judges : Mrs.Betsy Yates Mr.Sam Houston McDonald Mrs. Judith Goodin Mr.Tom Feneis Mr.Richard Powell Mrs.Sharon Lyons What a thrill to have produced a lovely bitch that is recognized by so many judges from all over the country and to have it happen without one page of paid advertising as so many others have done. It is a testament to her quality and her place in the record books for her breed. We are so very thankful to the many supporters and our friends in the breed who continually recognize and congratulate us on Simmer's accomplishments. We are deeply grateful to Jim & Mimi for showcasing this beautiful bitch at their own personal and financial expense and for allowing her to achieve so many wonderful awards. Not unlike her dam, Monroe, she too is making dreams come true. Thank you, Pam, for always being a professional and for never allowing Simmer to look anything less than perfectly groomed, conditioned, shown and more importantly.......happy. Congratulations to Jim, Mimi, Pam, Grandma Patty and Grandma Sue !!! This certainly has been a very exciting year and it isn't over yet 
Picot Takes Her First Best of Winners Award
We are very happy and equally proud to announce that "Shomberg's Perfect Timing" (CH.Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly SH x CH.Shomberg's Olympic Gold ) was awarded Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the Monticello Kennel Club Show Friday..........October 9, 2009 Breeder- Judge : Mrs. Betsy Yates She was named "Picot" ( pronounced Peeko ) after an exquisite timepiece known for its' timeless beauty, its' quality and its' perfect movement. It's a fitting name because she certainly embodies it all. This youngster is already causing heads to turn and we're quite certain that it will only continue as she moves toward her championship title and the many awards yet to come her way. Sincere "Congratulations" to John and Anne Marie Tierney of NY who own and love this stylish, little bitch and allow her the opportunities to show and represent Shomberg in such a lovely way. We are very proud and very appreciative for all of their efforts and their personal sacrifices in having Picot out there for the whole world to see and admire. Thank you and Congratulations !!
Monroe's Daughter "Simmer" Wins Best In Show !!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday...........October 9, 2009 Today in New Jersey at the Monticello Kennel Club Show Multiple BISS & Group Winning CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus (GSPCA Top Producing Show Sire CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX & GSPCA Top Producing Show Dam NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) " Simmer" wins All- Breed Best In Show under respected Best In Show Judge, Mr.Sam Houston McDonald Breed & Sporting Group..... Breeder-Judge......Mrs. Betsy Yates How very fitting that this show was dedicated to the memory of our dear friend in the Shorthair breed, Mr.Jim Burns. Jim presented Monroe with the GSPCA National Specialty Best of Breed win in 2004. He was a respected AKC Judge, a nationally recognized breeder of champion Shorthairs and Vizslas and he is very much missed by all of us who knew him and enjoyed so many great years in his friendship. So this was a very special day as Jim's wife, June, was ringside to see Simmer continue her dam's winning ways on this very special day. We are so happy that Patty and Jim & Mimi were there to see it happen as well among other wonderful friends and supporters. As always, Simmer was presented magnificently by her handler, Pamela Bober, who always does such a lovely job with her. Pam, we so appreciate your efforts. What a team !! Sincere "Congratulations " to Jim and Mimi and thank you for allowing Simmer to represent "Shomberg" in such an outstanding way. We are very honored indeed and acknowledge the effort and financial sacrifice you make to have Simmer in this level of competition. Thank you, Patty. You are always ringside and always supporting Simmer just as you do all of the Monroe "kids". It never goes un-noticed or without deep appreciation for all that you have done and continue to do in Monroe's memory. She loved you so and she always will. We know why. A special thank you and "Congratulations" as well to Sue Harrison of Wyndbourne, the owner of "Shain", who is Simmer's sire. We know she's every bit as proud as we are and that she was cheering in Florida and now lifting a toast. One helluva combination, kiddo !! Our unwaivering love and dedication to the "dog who made dreams come true", our beautiful Roe Roe. Precious girl, loved beyond words and missed so deeply every day .........it is all because of you. Sharon & Steve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A true testament to the quality of this lovely bitch is the fact that she has achieved her awards and continued her climb to the top of the GSPCA winning statistics without a single page of paid advertising or financial supporters endorsing her. That pretty much says it all. You go girl !!!
A Lovely Fall Weekend With Wins
September 25th. thru September 27th. 2009 ************************************************************ The lovely Fall weekend found Shomberg Girls taking center stage Warrenton Kennel Club Warrenton, VA September 25, 2009 Breed Judge : Mr. W. Everrett Dean Winners Bitch Shomberg's Olympic Flame..."Sara" ( BIS CH.Wyndbourne The Chances Are x CH.Shomberg's Pawnee Love Song JH CGC ) Owned by Wayne & Nancy Kulig of VA Presented beautifully as always by professional handler Patty Crowley The lovely Sara returned to the ring after a period off to grow up a bit and she has... very beautifully. Congratulations to Wayne & Nancy and a sincere "thank you" to Patty for her expertise in handling this lovely girl. West Volusia Kennel Club DeLand, FL Saturday.......September 26, 2009 Breed Judge : Mrs. Sheila DiNardo Winners Bitch & Best of Winners Shomberg's The Ultimate Martini....."Martini" ( CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM) Owned by Barara Boka of FL Martini was beautifully presented in the ring by Barbara herself Congratulations to this lovely "team" !!! Westbury Kennel Association Inc. Long Island, NY September 27, 2009 Breed & Sporting Group Judge : Ms. Teresa Hundt Best of Breed & Sporting Group Four Multiple BISS/ CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe-Haus ......."Simmer" ( CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) Owned by Jim Deppen, Mimi Winkler and Sharon Presented beautifully as always to these wins by her professional handler, Pamela Bober Simmer is currently ranked # 1 GSP bitch in G.S.P.C.A. breed points We are extremely proud of Simmer as she continues her noted accomplishments on both the breed and national level. Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic weekend !!!!
Shows To Remember !!
A Few Shows to Remember !! Steve and I are thrilled to recognize an outstanding cluster of shows in New Jersey this past weekend and the awards garnered by the lovely puppies and dogs that represent "Shomberg" so admirably. The trip to Big Apple Sporting Dog Specialty, Tuxedo Park Kennel Club and the Eastern German Shorthaired Pointer Club Specialty held in conjunction with Somerset Hills Kennel Club always allows us special time to share with great friends and this year was truly a trip to remember. Camping and sharing dinners and laughs with great friends make every award so much more special and we so much appreciate the support and the friendships of so many people in our breed as well as those friends who come from other breeds too.We so enjoyed watching a puppy boy, Shomberg's Timeless Masterpiece..."Chance", take his first steps into the show ring and walk out with exceptional awards despite the fact that he hadn't a clue as to what he was being asked to do. But ... he did it and his proud owners, Van & Connie Smith, now have some beautiful ribbons and special awards to prove it. Patty Crowley once again displayed her exceptional ability to take a totally inexperienced puppy into the show ring where he became a "show dog" much to everyone's excitement and she did it for 3 straight days. We are so proud of "Chance" and he will undoubtedly be a contender in the weeks and months ahead. Having an 8 month old puppy recognized so quickly for his quality is just remarkable and we were so proud of him and appreciative that Van and Connie are giving him this exposure in the breed. His sister, Shomberg's Perfect Timing, ventured back into the show ring after a brief introduction at the Ohio shows at Grand River in July. Handled by her owner, John Tierney, this lovely young puppy will be a showstopper in her own right in times to come. "Picot" was awarded placements in every class entered and she will no doubt bring exciting wins in the shows ahead. Anne Marie cheered from the gallery as John presented this lovely youngster in the ring and we were just as proud as they were to see her do well. Having taken a Puppy Sporting Group placement in recent weeks at her first shows, we know this youngster will be bringing home many more awards in the future too.Best of Breed competition at the Big Apple Sporting Dog Specialty found 3 Shomberg champions pulled to the front of the line for consideration in Best of Breed. Astounding and exciting beyond words for all of us standing ringside !! What better compliment for any breeder than to have 3 champion littermates singled out for that recognition of their quality and breed type.A totally un-expected win in Best of Breed for Shomberg 'N DeBars One For The Road ... aka, "Stoli" ... taking her first breed award as a new champion at her first show since acquiring her show championship in Kentucky 2 weeks ago. Owners Jack & Sue Johnson were almost speechless when given the news and we were terribly happy to make the call and share it with them as they remained home in VA and missed seeing their girl take this win. Stoli continued her winning ways by taking an Award Of Merit in Best of Breed competition at the Eastern GSP Specialty show.This lovely young bitch always looks beautiful and she is a clear example of what form and function is all about when combined in a total package. That's Stoli CH.Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly SH, our handsome "Sparks",( father of Chance and Picot) was handled beautifully as always by Patty and was awarded Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed at Big Apple Sporting Dog Specialty. "Sparks" has been doing field work toward his additional titles in that discipline and so these shows once again allowed people to see what a handsome and exceptional example of the breed has has become as he has matured. We were proud beyond words of his performance in the ring and continue to admire this special dog for all that he is and now for what he is producing in conformation as well as the field. No doubt there will be more opportunities for our "Sparks" to show the GSP community that he can compete in the ring, win in the field and produce offspring that can do the same.
Thank you, Patty, for presenting him so beautifully for us as you always did his mother and now do for him as well. As grandson Ashton would say "Thanks Ms.Patty. Spawky looked just great !! "CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus....aka, "Simmer".......continues to show everyone that she is a force in our breed as she continues her rapid rise to the top of the breed stats by winning Best of Breed and a Sporting Group 3 at Tuxedo Park on Friday and then moving on to win Best of Breed for the second straight year at the Eastern German Shorthaired Pointer Club Specialty on Saturday. Simmer follows in the footsteps of her illustrious dam, NSC & Multiple Best In Show CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot...."Monroe" who won this same specialty show four consecutive years running; an achievement that has never been matched by any other Shorthair in our breed and very likely never will. Jim Deppen & Mimi Winkler were thrilled with this honor just as we were as once again the Eastern GSP Club's William Patterson Memorial Trophy was awarded to a Shomberg dog. Finishing off the weekend at the Westchester Kennel Club Show in Tarrytown, NY "Simmer" again won Best of Breed and made the final cut in Sporting Group competition."Simmer's" handler, Pamela Bober, did a magnificent job of presenting her as always and we are sincerely appreciative of her genuine effort to always present Simmer at the top of her game. Your skills in always doing such an outstanding job are obvious to everyone standing ringside..To the very highly skilled handlers who have always shown and continue to exhibit these beautiful dogs for their owners we extend our sincere appreciation. Your efforts are so much appreciated.To the owners of these dogs who go to great effort and personal sacrifice to have them showcased to represent Shomberg and our breeding program in such an outstanding manner, we say, "Thank you. We couldn't do it without you. You are appreciated."
"Stoli" Earns Championship
The Bluegrass Cluster.......Lexington, KY Saturday.....August 29, 2009 Judge : Mr. Charles Olvis
We proudly announce our newest Champion * Champion Shomberg 'N DeBars One For The Road ......"Stoli" (AKC pending) a daughter of the Top Producing Duo of Shain & Monroe (CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD x NSC/ BIS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot)
Stoli completed her title by taking another major under the skillful hands of professional handler and proud Grandma and co-breeder, Patty Crowley. Stoli has also been presented in the puppy classes toward this goal by our dear friend and professional handler Peggy Roush and we are grateful for all that Peg did for those wins and in having her look lovely at all times. Thank you, Peg, for supporting us always and for understanding how much Patty wanted to show her recently for personal reasons.
Stoli was presented beautifully today and we sincerely congratulate her owners, Sue & Jack Johnson on this exciting win. We know how happy they must be. We appreciate the effort and personal sacrifices made in order to have Stoli shown to her title and represent "Shomberg" in such an outstanding way. "Congratulations !! " And now................it's on to the bird field !!!!!! Sincerely, Sharon & Steve