Shomberg's Cardiac Arrest ("Chase"), in 2000,
taking Winners Dog at the Long Island Specialty under
judge Lee Canalizo. Owned by Emory & Peg Shipley
and handled by Kris Eckard of Stilpoint GSP's.
Ch. Shomberg's Sweet Sophie ("Sophie") taking Best
Of Opposite, under judge Dr. Elliot More, at the Wilmington KC, in 2000.
Bred by Steve & Sharon and owned by
Brenda Rhodes.

Snowyrivers Piece O The Rock
("Ayers" Ch. Olde Ridge Pride 'N
Joy x Ch. Shomberg's Snowyriver JH).
Bred by Leesy McDonnell & Sharon
Dattilio. Owned & loved by Charles
"Rich" Mahoney.
Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River ("April") taking Best
of Brood Bitch, under breeder/judge Frank
Washabaugh, Ch. Snowy River Hop Skip & Jump ("Sydney"), and Ch.
Snowy River Piece of the Rock ("Ayers"), at the Mason Dixon GSP Club
Specialty Show, 1998.

Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River JH ("April") shown winning
2nd in the Brood Bitch Class at the Diamond State GSP Specialty Show, the host club for the 1998 National Specialty. Handled by her owner, Leesy
McDonnell and shown with her offspring, Ch.Snowy River Piece'O The Rock ("Ayres") and Ch.Snowy River
Hop, Skip 'N Jump ( "Sydney") under respected breeder/judge Kenneth Clemons.
Ch. Riverwray's Maverick Northern Exposure ("Cicely")
Marco's daughter taking Winner's Bitch,
under judge James Covey, at the Old Dominion KC
of Northern VA, 2000. Owned by Darlene & Randy Raiford
("RiverWray"), and pictured here with Darlene.

Shomberg 'N Partrdge Run Dark Duet ("Charise")
making her ring debut in 2000 and winning Best In Sweepstakes
at the Westbury Kennel Association under judge Keith Voris.

'N High Brass Semi-Sweet ("Semi"
Ch. Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch. Shomberg's
Feather Duster) winning Best Of Opposite,
under judge Mr. Cohen. Bred by Steve
& Sharon. Owned by Kathie Amore
& Joe Diaz of NY. Handled by Joe
who is pictured here with Semi.
Ch. Shomberg's Sweet Sophie ("Sophie"), in 1999,
taking Winners Bitch, under judge Elizabeth
Mutthard, at the Mid_Susquehanna Valley Kennel Club.
Handled and pictured here with Sharon.
Bred by Steve & Sharon and owned by
Brenda Rhodes.

Snowy River Hop,Skip 'N Jump NA,NAJ
(Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River JH x Ch. Olde Ridge Pride 'N Joy JH)
bred by Leesy McDonnell ("Snowy River GSPs") and Sharon
owned by Judy Karakawa of PA.