More of our dogs and some of their accomplishments
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A "family" portrait - all "Marco kids" from the
first breeding of Ch.Shomberg's Browning Citori ("Marco") and Ch.
RiverWrays First Deadly Sin ("Kirby"). Bred by Darlene &
Randy Raiford (RiverWray) and Margaret Hatfield (Maverick) of
All on their way to Championships and field titles!!
They are, left to right: RvrWray Mavrk Devil's Advocate ("Devlin"), owned &
shown by Dr. Beth Cochran, RvrWray Mavrk Marco's Polo ("Polo"), owned &
shown by Kris Eckard, Rwray Mavrckhuntrs Pieceomind
("Hunter," Ch.Shomberg's Browning Citori x Ch. Riverwray's First Deadly Sin ).
Tina is showing him for owners, Darlene Raiford, D.Thrash, B.Nuss and Margaret
Hatfield. And, at far right is Ch. RvrWray Mavrk Northern Exposure ("Cicely"), owned by Darlene
& Randy Raiford and shown here with Steve.

Rwray Mavrckhuntrs Pieceomind
("Hunter") taking 1st place in the American Bred
class at the GSPCA National Specialty Show in Jacksonville, FL, May 2001.
Handled by professional handler Tina Craig
for owners Darlene Raiford, D.Thrash, B.Nuss and Margaret
Sunnie Fair is shown handling Buck
Hollow's Mastermind
("Maggie," Ch.Shomberg's Browning Citori x
Buck Hollow's
Irresistable) bred by Sunnie &
Lynn Fair and Julia Carroll (Team Buck
Hollow) 2001 GSPCA National Specialty Show and North Florida GSP Club Specialty Show.
Ch. Shomberg's Some Like It Hot
("Monroe") winning Best In Show at the Pioneer Valley
Kennel Club All Breed Show on August 4, 2001, under esteemed
judge Mrs. James Edward Clark. Expertly handled by professional
handler and co-owner Patty Crowley (pictured here with
Monroe). To see more of Monroe click

Ch. Starlite's Calamity Jane ("Tootsie"), another
beautiful liver bred by Marcy Desmond (Starlite),
and owned & loved by P. Williams.

Rwray Mavrck Devil's Advocate ("Devlin," Ch.Shomberg's Browning Citori x Ch.Riverwrays First Deadly Sin ), bred by Darlene & Randy Raiford (Riverwray) & Margaret Hatfield (Maverick). Owned, trained, loved and handled by Dr. Beth Cochran DVM. Devlin took 1st Place in the GSPCA Futurity Class for Senior Dogs and also placed 3rd. in the Open Class at the North Florida GSP Club Specialty,
in Jacksonville,FL 2001.

Snowy River N' Shomberg Honeybriar ("Briar"),
on April 19, 2001 taking two points as Winners Bitch, at the
Old Dominion KC show.
As of November 10, 2001, Briar needs only 1 major to finish her bench championship and she was Best In Sweeps at the National Specialty Show in Jacksonville, FL, May 2001. Handled by Peggy Roush in conformation and Rich in the field.

Snowy River 'N Shomberg Honeybriar ("Briar").
Best of Opposite Sex at Beaver Cty KC,
August 4, 2001. Handled by Peggy Roush.
Shomberg 'N Partrdge Run Lead'n
Man ("Gable") won Best of Oppostie Sex in the GSPCA National
Futurity Show Jacksonville, FL 2001, under breeder/judge Mrs. Mary
Finley. Handled by Tina Craig for owners John and Teesie Bonk.
Ch. Shomberg's Browning Citori ("Marco") earns the Award Of Merit at the 2001 GSPCA
National Specialty Show under respected judge Dr. Asa Mays in
Jacksonville, Florida. Marco was handled to that impressive
win by Gramma Patty Crowley. To see more of
Marco click here.

Shomberg's Elwing deLiverance ("Hailey, "Ch. Shannon's Hearts
Afire x Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster) taking Best of Winners,
under judge Frank Washabaugh, at the
Trenton KC, 2001. Handled by Pat Crowley who owns Hailey's sire ("Keeper").
Owner, Marty Cornell.
This completed Hailey's championship.

Betamillion On Me ("Gabby," Ch.
Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch. Shomberg's Feather
Duster) Bred by Steve & Sharon.
Owned & loved by Margaret Minuth (Betamillion). Here taking Winners Bitch
at the Carolina Kennel Club under judge Judy
"Gabby" went on to finish her championship on 10/27/01 by going WB/BOW at the Mason-Dixon GSP Specialty Show handled by Tina

Snowy River N' Shomberg Ambler ("Ash"), on
April 19, 2001 taking Best Of Winners, at the Old Dominion
KC show.
Ash was bred by Leesy
McDonnell (Snowy River GSP's) and Sharon Datillio and is owned and loved by Leesy.
As of November 10, 2001, he only needs 1 major to finish his bench championship and is handled by Peggy Roush in conformation and by Leesy in the field.

Snowy River 'N Shomberg Honeybriar
"Briar" takes Best Of Winners at the
Gloucester Kennel Club of Virginia.
2006 - 2007 | 2005
| 2003 |
| 2001
1998-2000 | 1995-1998 | 1994-1995 | 1986-1994 | 1980-1986
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