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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable

Maggie x Morgan

Maggie delivered her 11 puppies early February 17, 2006. 
7 boys (3 liver, 4 ticked) and 4 girls (2 liver, 2 ticked)

Pictures below show the puppies at 1 week old

For more coverage follow the links below:
Puppy pictures: 
1 & 3 days old and Puppy Chart
3 weeks old
5 weeks old
7 weeks old

Read the latest Pup-Dates
More about Maggie and Morgan
In keeping with our Olympic Gold Litter theme the newest medal contenders are named after the host cities for the winter games in various years.
The male athletes are:

St.Moritz (1928) - "Moritz"
Oslo (1952) - "Oslo"
Innsbruck (1964) - "Bruck"
Lake Placid (1932) - "Placid"
Grenoble (1968) - "Grenoble"
Calgary (1988) - "Calgary"
Torino (2006) - "Torino"
The female athletes are:

Chamonix (1924) - "Chamonix"

 (Pronunciation: sha-moh-neé)

 Cortina (1956) - "Cortina"
Sarajevo (1984) - "Sara"
Lillehammer (1994) - "Lilly"
The "Team" at 1 week old.  Click on each image for a larger version.
Happy Family Nurse, sleep, nurse, sleep ... Oslo and Grenoble
Oslo and Grenoble
Talking with Mamma
Stuffed animal
"No, this isn't a huge ugly pup with long hair, but a little liver boy who is draped over his stuffed toy quail." Click image for a larger view.
Torino, Lillehammer, and Placid
Torino, Lillehammer and Placid 
3/29/2006 Pup-Date
The puppies are now growing at a very fast rate and they have their feet well under them to be able to run full speed. Clearly they are attempting to determine their ranking in the "pack order" with every passing day and it seems to change almost daily as well. They play a bit rougher at this age and their tiny teeth are very sharp. Shoelaces are fair game for anyone who chooses to wear them into their space and lately they've seemed to have a penchant for jumping into puddles on the floor as I race them to clean them up. 

Sometimes they win -- and sometimes I do but it is never dull with this crew around.
The days begin very early and breakfast never seems to come quickly enough so I am very sure that your neighbors all know that there are puppies living here right now. They eat vigorously and crash into a nap at a moment's notice though I do see that the naps are fewer and less time in duration as these busy little souls find more and more to occupy their time. Obviously they enjoy the attention of visitors and the people who come by always seem to laugh and enjoy them too.

This week has found them appearing to be "bellies with legs" as is usually the case for this age. The week ahead will bring more "leg" to the overall picture as I begin to really evaluate structure more seriously. There are several who are beginning to standout with apparent show potential and we'll get far more serious in our evaluations in the weeks ahead. Personalities are extremely sweet and they already are responding to their litter names when I call them. They are very bright and very alert to every single thing around them. I can tell you that their eyesight and hearing is absolutely perfect because they miss nothing!!

Their days are full of play as I would expect now and bedtime find them rollicking in the paper before they really settle for the night. When I get into their box and sit with them, cuddling them and allowing them to climb over me for a time, they seem to really enjoy that bit of "tucking in" and they settle all the more quickly.

I am very proud of them and I have no doubt that the people who will take them into their home and families will truly enjoy and love them for their wonderful attitudes and affectionate nature which is so obvious to me now.

3/21/2006 Pup-Date
Greetings from Olympic Central!
The puppies have found their "running gear" and now speed around the kitchen with great agility and purpose. They love the freedom and the open space that allows them to exercise more freely. This also allows me to be able to begin to evaluate their movement and stride as it begins to evolve naturally. This is a very critical trait to watch as it affects their overall ability to move in the field, the show ring or just around the yard in their daily routine that lies ahead. 

They are now eating their food dampened a bit and no longer rely on Maggie as their food source. They rather enjoy a splash in the water bucket from time to time and use it frequently throughout the day. They are very aggressive feeders and the dinner pans are empty in no time at all. They come to me for a "wipe down" after eating and some actually enjoy the attention it brings even if it involves a wet washcloth. Some like it and some don't but they all have come to accept it as an after dinner occurrence regardless.

I am finding it rather amazing that at 4 weeks of age several puppies are responding to their names when I call them and that tells me that we have some very alert and intelligent puppies who are already using their cognitive abilities quite well. There isn't a day that I am not struck by their sweet nature, their attentiveness to the world around them and their seemingly close bond with the people in their lives. Grandsons Grant and Ashton totally enjoy giving them all of the little people attention they need and the grown-up visitors are pretty good in the "ooh and aaah " departments too. I have felt for some time that they are somewhat advanced for their age and every day gives me more evidence that my feelings are right on target.

Their days are busy and filled with social interaction among themselves as well as with an abundance of toys. We are heavily into the tail biting, ear chewing and face munching that seems to come along at this age as each puppy learns to know the other members of their pack. Evening finds me sitting in the box among them as they climb all over me in an attempt to vie for individual attention, which I readily give to each and every one. As they settle for the night and fall asleep beside me and over me I am constantly reminded of their innocence, their total dependence on me right now and their ability to make me realize that the small gifts in my life are often those that are given without an expectation for anything in return but my love.

The puppies are growing by the day and 3 weeks of age found them trying out something other than mother's milk for the first time. I started with artificial bitch's milk and baby rice cereal in a rather runny consistency so that I could determine if they were able to actually lap the food, as they should. Several meals found them really getting the idea as I fed each one individually to see just how well they were doing. After a short face washing with a warm cloth, Maggie took over the delightful task of removing the pasty residue left by the rice cereal which is much like wallpaper glue. They think it's great!

After two days of "practice" at this event, we dove right into the puppy gruel, which they decided was a bit chewy but tasty nonetheless. Fat little bellies tell me that everyone seems to be doing nicely in the nutrition department and they now come running (yes, they are moving much faster!) when they hear the dinner call. They now eat together from a communal pan that will eventually become two so as to accommodate every little body efficiently. An occasional step (or roll) into the mushy mixture doesn't deter anyone from the task at hand and one by one they go back to their box for another dutiful clean-up by mother Maggie.

They are getting ever so confident in their ability to walk and sometimes try their legs at running for short distances; rather more of a short sprint. They see one another clearly now and enjoy the beginnings of play which involve ear pulling, tail biting, foot sucking and all of the other assorted activities I would hope to see at this age. They play for a period and then crash falling into a deep sleep. They are waking to move out into their "yard" which encourages them to potty in another place rather than their bed. They are doing remarkably well for just 3 weeks old. Each of them is responding to me when I call them and they eagerly come running to my outstretched hands for their hugs and kisses.

While it is still far too early to make any determination with regard to specifics and personalities, I can see the beginnings of what might be as they grown older and assume their place within their pack order. For the time being they are content to exist together and rely on one another for warmth, comfort and companionship.

Three to four weeks is a very special time in their development and for me it seems to be the most fun time for cuddling and tactile interaction with the human in their life. That would be me! What fun and so very rewarding :-))

3/6/2006 Two Week Pup-Date 
The entire crew of pups now have their eyes open and are quickly beginning to actually focus on each other. I am now watching them with a smile as they recognize something in their space that moves and acts much like them. What is that thing walking around my place? It is amazing to just observe their reactions. Now they will begin to interact with one another as each day gives them clearer vision and an awareness that they are not alone in this adventure.

This week has found them climbing over the front edge of their box and in some cases exploring their surroundings with caution, but no fear. Truly I was unprepared for this so early but have accepted the fact that this group of puppies seem to be advanced and will likely continue to be so. I am surprised to watch their movements, which become more sure by the day. Their inquisitive nature is easily seen this early and they don't appear to have any fear of the unknown but rather move straight ahead and investigate everything they encounter.

Their day-to-day routine still consists mainly of eating and sleeping though this will lessen in the days ahead. Mother Maggie is just remarkable in that she keeps them spotless and their box always tidy. She feeds them freely and they are very round and robust which transfers to weight gains of approx. 1 lb. per week. Most are right around 3 lbs. at this time with the girls being a bit smaller than the boys. Still -- they are all healthy, active and cuddling them is just the best!

Maggie looks amazing and she seems to be very content and ever-watchful of her brood of 11. Breeders long for a bitch like her and we are blessed to have her share this time with us. As Terry so aptly said of her, "This bitch is gold." We couldn't agree more.

Next stop -- beginning the weaning process and learning to lap puppy gruel from a saucer. Then it's on to the communal pan where life gets sticky, wet and slippery and even more adventurous. Stay tuned as the mini-athletes begin the physical training for the games ahead in "The Kitchen Stadium!"

2/28/2006 "Olympic Pup-Date" from Olympic Village Headquarters
All puppies are thriving and gaining weight easily due to the dietary regimen afforded by their mother. Maggie is a wonderful and loving mother; very attentive to their every need. She diligently places all of the toys she can gather in and around their bedding so that they have plenty of obstacles to use for "training." So far we have witnessed unbelievable courage, strength and determination from this team of athletes.

The puppies are quiet and we only have an occasional ruckus when it's time for a meal and it isn't provided at their beckon call. They, like all good athletes, are always ready to nourish their bodies with the nutrients necessary for the games ahead. This past week saw everyone gain about 1 lb. of body weight in relation to their birth weights of 14 to 16 oz. each. It appears that their little eyes will open right on schedule by week's end as the movement behind the lids is quite apparent now. They use their noses to sniff every inch of their box and when new bedding is placed, it requires immediate inspection by everyone.

They are now responding to the cuddling and the attention that is so easy to give.
Fat little bodies appear healthy and tails and dewclaws are long healed. We are amazed at their strength and the fact that they are walking about their box though they still are a bit wobbly. Each day finds them looking more and more like little shorthairs and certainly when their eyes open to show their little faces it will define their personalities even more.

More headlines to follow in the days and weeks ahead --


Puppies will be placed in exceptional homes where they will be loved and valued. We welcome inquiries, but request that all interested parties first read through the pages outlining our puppy placement practices and philosophy. Priority will be given to those who will provide the many opportunities for them to excel and achieve their full potential. And as always -- they are to be "family members" first and foremost.

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