Shomberg Is Proud To Announce
Piper & Draco 2016
The "Great American Songbook" Litter
Our 8 little vocalists have arrived!
Whelped Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The Crooners: Sinatra, Crosby, Matthis and Dino
(3 ticked/patched, 1 liver)
The Songbirds: Dinah, Etta, Billie and Lena
(2 ticked/patched, 2 liver)
Rehearsals have begun and there are obviously some great singers among us.
GCh Mi Karma's Purple Dragon @ Honeybriar
RN ("Draco") (GCh TRF White
River Howlin' At the Stars JH x CH Mi
Karma's The Color Purple JH RE CD)
Shomberg's Sandy Paws And Salty Kisses
SH ("Piper")
(CH Sunrise Party Of One OA OAJ x CH Shomberg's One Hot Number SH)
OFA Hips/ Elbows Good
OFA Cardiac Normal (Board
CD Clear
CERF Normal

OFA Hips/Elbows Excellent
OFA Cardiac Normal ( Board
CD Clear
CERF Normal
OFA Thyroid Normal
Sonograms on July 13, 2016 |
contact us with serious inquiries.
Puppies will be placed in exceptional homes
where they will be loved and valued. We
welcome inquiries, but request that all
interested parties first read through the
pages outlining our puppy placement
philosophy. Priority will be given
to those who will provide the many
opportunities for them to excel and achieve
their full potential. And as always -- they
are to be "family members" first and