friend, Fred E. Smith, who owned and guided the
early years of Ch. Oaklore's Katja von Shomberg.
Fred owned Katy when she won the GSPCa Nationals
in 1986 and later gave her to us due to his health
related problems. He now resides in

Snowy River N' Shomberg Ambler ("Ash," Ch.Ruann's Batteries Not Required, "Hank" x Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River JH, "April") in the
field, April 29, 2001.

Snowy River N' Shomberg Honeybriar ("Briar," Ch.Ruann's Batteries Not
Required "Hank" x Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River
JH "April")
on Point. Owned and love by Rich
Mahoney. Bred by Leesy McDonnell and Sharon Dattilio.
As of November 10, 2001, Briar needs only 1 major to finish her bench championship and she was Best In Sweeps at the National Specialty Show in Jacksonville, FL, May 2001. Handled by Peggy Roush in conformation and Rich in the field.

Shomberg N' Partrdge Run Pinup Girl
("Tierney") is conformation pointed and has an AKC Junior Hunter title acquired in four
straight tests; more than once having the highest scores of any dog running that day!
She is owned by Brenda Rhodes and handled in the field by Rich Mahoney.

Tierney and her audience Mary Laur, Brenda Rhodes (her "mom") and Leesy McDonnell. It seems this girl draws an audience no matter where she goes.
Who says that you can't have beauty, brains and bird-ability in one package !!!

w/ his buddy "Casey" crashed among the
toys after a rough day's play.

Buckhollow's Match Maker
"Mindy" winning the Amateur Derby
Award. Mindy is shown with her breeder -trainer- owner-handler, Lynn Fair of Buckhollow GSPs.

Snowy River's Hop Skip 'N Jump

Snowy River N' Shomberg Ambler ("Ash," Ch.Ruann's Batteries Not Required, "Hank" x Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River JH, "April") in the
field, April 29, 2001.
Ash was bred by Leesy
McDonnell (Snowy River GSP's) and Sharon Dattilio and is owned and loved by Leesy.
As of November 10, 2001, he only needs 1 major to finish his bench championship and is handled by Peggy Roush in conformation and by Leesy in the field.

Briar and Rich.

Tierney heads out across the field with her "dad," Rich, knowing there are objectives to search and birds to be found.

This not only shows Tierney on point but also highlights the angle of her shoulder, which allows her to do the job she does in the field. Correct structure gives the dog the advantage of performing birdwork effortlessly. She is conformation (show) pointed and also has 2 "legs" toward her AKC Hunt Test title.

(Ch. Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch. Riverside's
Mocha von Shomberg JH). "Just a Key West
kinda guy" with his cool shades.
Loved and spoiled by Chris & Barb Myers of
Key West, Fl.

Ch.Shomberg's Betamillion On Me ("Gabby," Ch.Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch.Shomberg's Feather Duster) "Gabby" was bred by Steve & Sharon ... loved, unbelievably spoiled and cherished by Margaret Minuth of
