CH Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly MH
Loved and missed beyond measure by
Sharon & Steve Dattilio
June 16 2006 ~ September 24 2021 |

April 2004 - July 2020
"O Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them
all; the earth is full of thy creatures. Bless the Lord, Praise the
(Psalm 104).
In thanksgiving for her life, and in great sadness at her passing,
we remember our sweet, vivacious, beautiful girl Libby.
The Rankowitz Family |

From Shomberg's Timeless Litter
January 12, 2009 - April 13, 2020
Our deepest and most heartfelt sympathy to Steve and Robin who just had to say their earthly goodbye to their sweet Gabe. He was born into our "Timeless Litter."
It wasn't always an easy road after they opened their hearts to Gabe as he left a home where he wasn't loved or protected. Abuse comes in many forms and these precious creatures internalize every part of their living circumstances. Gabe was a sensitive soul who didn't deserve to be pushed to the sidelines.
We are deeply grateful that there are people in this world like Robin and Steve who selflessly dedicate themselves to regaining trust and giving a wonderful life to dogs like Gabe. He could be obstinate or he could be a clown. He loved his Izzy. He was her "big brother" and where you saw Izzy you usually saw Gabe. They were all a family.
It's always unbelievably painful. This goodbye is unlike any other. And though he was born here and has never left my heart, I know that my loss cannot and never will compare to the heartache and loss for Steve, Robin and Izzy. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for the beautiful life, family and love that you gave to Gabe. We were blessed to have met you and so was Gabe.
So please know that you gave the ultimate "gift" and surely one day you'll find him running to meet you again.
Rest easy, sweet boy and may your angel caregivers have plenty of balls and an abundance of treats.

Shomberg's Six Grams Of Gold
February 17, 2006 - October 11, 2018
Forever loved by Lauren & Nathaniel Krumpe & family.
The morning this photo was taken it was a calm, beautiful moment this summer.
It was just an average morning and we were all home together. I was aware that
our time together was growing short. That was his favorite blanket he had since
puppy hood. I remember thinking what a beautiful picture it was when I took it.
Now I look at the photo and I can see God blessing us and him. He is our beautiful angel.
I can't wait to one day kiss his beautiful face, pet his soft fur, and smell his wonder scent again.
We loved him with everything that we had and will
always love him. -- Lauren

Multiple BISS
CH Shomberg's Celestial D'Livery
Ch Sonnenschien Causin' A Spectacle JH
Shomberg's Katja By The Heartstrings )
April 13, 2004 - August 2, 2016
Owned, deeply loved and missed beyond words by John & Ann Marie
Faith was handled in the show ring by John as a youngster. As an
adult she was beautifully presented to a Top Ten Breed ranking and
multiple Best In Specialty Show awards including Best Veteran by her
BFF and professional handler Patty Crowley. Faith's awards and
multiple Specialty wins acknowledged her as undeniably one of the
top winning solid liver Shorthairs in our breed.
She was truly " one of a kind" and we are all simply heartbroken. |

Shomberg's Viking
"Sir Grady"
It is with the greatest sadness that we note the passing of Sir
Grady, Shomberg's Viking, from the
"Out Of This World Litter".
The picture speaks for words that aren't easily spoken during these
most difficult of times. The heartbreak is immeasurable for the
family; especially 3 small children who have never known life
without their Grady.
Sincere condolences and deepest appreciation to the Eckenrode
family; Paul, Lindsey, Matthew, Marcus, Kate and GSP buddy, Zekey,
for their love and for his wonderful home and family who treasured
Rest in peace now Grady and run Heaven's fields until your family
meets you at the Rainbow Bridge and are together again. God bless

Shomberg's River Country
(Ch. Riverside's Country Legend CD X Ch. Oaklore's Katja Von Shomberg)
April 14, 1993 - March 23, 2008
Owned and loved by
Paula & Jim Dougherty.

Ch.Snowyriver Piece 'O The Rock
(Ch. Olde Ridge Pride 'N Joy JH x Ch. Shomberg's Snowy River JH)
April 15, 1997 - December 31, 2007
Bred by Leesy McDonnell (Snowy River GSPs) and Sharon.
Owned and deeply loved by
Rich Mahoney & Brenda Rhodes (Honeybriar Acres)

CH Buck Hollow's Monster Mash, JH
August 9, 2000 - November 14, 2007
Our beautiful "Logan" -- owned, deeply loved and terribly missed by Dawn & Bob McDonough of PA

Shomberg's I'm A Keeper
Too "Timber"
( Ch.Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch.Shomberg's Feather Duster )
"Named in honor of your father, Keeper, and indeed you had so many of his wonderful attributes. Remembering that beautiful open stride as you moved effortlessly around the show ring still brings us immeasurable pride in knowing just how lovely you were made. Sweet and gentle always; the loving nudges and "kisses" you shared happily will always be a treasure that gives broken hearts something to hold onto during those nights when sleep doesn't come so easily. Forever the strong and noble spirit, you will forevermore be cherished as a special "gift"
and a friend who never asked for more than he was willing to give in return."

Ch. Shomberg's
Wingmaster "Noah"
September 11, 1995 -- June 23, 2005
"With broken hearts, and deepest sorrow, we share the loss of our beautiful boy "Noah," who has gone home again to be with God.
There are simply never words to adequately express the heartache we bear in allowing them to leave us here behind. He never asked for more than our love and that he had from the day he was born; one beautiful and very special little "Smudge" as he was known at birth.
God hold you close and cradle your head in His arms, sweet Noah.
Forever loved and forever grateful for your simple quiet strength and your deep and unwavering devotion."
Our love always,
Mom and Dad

"In loving memory of David
Triunfol. Your sweet Bebel and all of us miss you so much.
Be well, be happy and wait for those who cared for you in this life
until we all meet again."
Your dearest Marcia, Bebel and Moby -- and friends, Steve and Sharon.

Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster
("Feather"), Marco's dam and
"Queen" at Shomberg.
Feather -
Richly blessed we have been to share in your life here.
Our hearts will always know the pain of letting you go even
though we knew it was your choice and never ours alone.
When curtains roll softly in the quiet air of days yet to be,
we will smile and know that you are with us still as you move ever so slowly to catch their lingering and gentle touch upon your back.
You are so loved and so very missed with every passing day.

Ch. Shomberg's Ltd. Edition Bear
("Bear," Ch. Riverside's Country
Legend CD x Ch. Oaklore's Katja von Shomberg)
For sweet Bear Bear, sending you "home" was a last gesture of her deepest love from the person who was the center of your world. It was the most difficult choice to make in a life spent loving you beyond words. For your quiet and gentle spirit and your unquestionable devotion, we have all been richly blessed and so now are you. With heaven's peace to make you whole once again, may you always wait for the sound of her voice and the smile
on her face. In the quiet times of night and the morning's first blush of sunlight, your beautiful face and warm brown eyes will always bring a smile for a heart so sorely broken by your loss.
The best part of you remains in thoughts and dreams where you are held in loving arms, knowing that the shortness of life spent here is just a prelude to the time when she'll hold you close forever and always.

"April" -- Our beautiful girl who in every way epitomized the "standard."
You carried the heritage that allowed you to become a wonderful representative for Shomberg and the namesake and Grande dame of Snowy River GSPs. You were truly one of a kind and there will never be another that lifts the hearts and dreams in quite
the same way as you have.
Your energy, your ability to do everything at full throttle and do it so well, and your unwavering love and devotion to your mom have been characteristics that have made you that "once in a lifetime" dog.
You always seemed to know how important you were and your journey through this life experience is a treasured gift that we were all honored to have. We are forever blessed to have shared your kisses and your undeniable charm. No doubt you are in God's company and still barking the orders to Pooh, Winnie, Marco, Ambler, Maddie and all of your
shorthair family.
A selfless act of unquestionable love has sent you back to God where you can be beautiful, whole and without pain ever again. The small consolation that holds grief in check is knowing that one day, you'll be able to thank "mom" yourself for giving you the dignity you deserved, not only in your lifetime here but in going back to God who shared you with us all. You are so dearly loved and even more dearly
"Pooh-Bear" (Ch. Shomberg's Imperial Delegate x
Canning's Primary Victory) 1995. Owned and loved by
Leesy McDonnell. "Pooh," at 17,
has been one of the longest lived Shomberg dogs.
Shomberg 'N Scattergun Liver Pate' ("Missy")
(Ch. Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster)
bred by Steve & Sharon
loved beyond words by Tim & Ginger Cerniglia (Scattergun GSPs)
"Sometimes we use the measure of time as an indication of our
own worth while we are here on this earth. And the reality is that
we are blessed twofold when we are given the life of a very special
dog to share the journey with us, for it would be a lonesome travel
without their love. It isn't for us to question her leaving us
so soon but rather to know that in leaving now, a greater plan is at
work. Love isn't diminished by separation in this lifetime. She runs
the fields of heaven now ... ever vigilant as always; watching and
winding for the scents of those she left behind and knowing that
one day, they'll all return to her again. Dearest Missy ... forever
the puppy ... forever loved."
"So little time; no words of comfort will suffice." Shomberg's
Amazin' Grace ("Grace," Ch. Riverside's Country Legend x Ch.
Oaklore's Katja Von Shomberg), bred, owned & loved by Steve &
"Ever strong, silent and loving to the end." Shomberg's Rimfire
Von Legacy CGC ("Smoke," Ch. Shomberg's Imperial Delagate x Ch.
Legacy's Too Far Gone). Bred by Donna Liberto. Owned & loved by Steve
& Sharon.
Stoic to the very end; ever loving and quiet resolve ... "My sweet Mooch,
you are missed beyond words." Ch. Shomberg's Imperial Delegate ("Ruger," A/C
Ch. Fieldfine's Count Rambard x Diplomat's Winsome Kay). Bred, owned & held
dear by Steve & Sharon. Photo taken in 1982.
Ch. Riverside's Mocha Von Shomberg JH ("Mocha," Ch.Riverside's
Country Legend CD x Ch. Oaklore's Katja Von Shomberg). Bred by Steve &
Sharon, owned by Ann & Bob Keegan. "My beautiful girl with soft
brown eyes that looked into my very soul. How hard it's been without
your sweet face these past years. How I treasure each memory and so
miss you stealing the bagels and slipping into bed when you thought
everyone was sleeping. Your loss was Heaven's gain."

With a heavy heart on this last day of the year
2018 we received word that Max and Marian
Lerman's beloved "Rockwell" is crossing The
Bridge to join his beloved Prada. Never a more
devoted and beautiful boy, he was our Innsbruck
in the Olympic Gold Litter. He hasn't been quite
the same since his Prada left a year ago but he
continued to bring such joy every day to Max,
Marian and David and this is the most difficult
of goodbyes as we all know.
The heartbreak is immeasurable.
Your Prada will meet you sweet boy and we wish
for endless gardens with critters to chase and
the warmth of a heavenly bed to rest. One day
you will all be together again, so watch and
know how much you will be missed until they come
to be with you again.

Rockwell and Prada |

Shomberg's Glamour Shot JH
TAYLOR, leader of the pack. The time has come to
say goodbye dear friend.
The years -- now almost 15, have taken their
unrelentingly toll on your body but not your
spirit. Despite your efforts to shield us from
your pain-it is clearly evident that even the
smallest of life's daily endeavors are now
exceedingly difficult.
We promised you that when your quality of life
became an issue we would not stand in your way
as you approach the Rainbow Bridge. We will
forever cherish the wonderful memories of days
spent in the field; of hours logged as you
tirelessly chased your beloved shore birds or of
early morning romps in newly fallen snow with
your buddies and to many others to mention.
Everyone of them will forever warm our hearts!
You had a full and complete life never giving an
inch to the advancing years.
We now set you free to join Cooper and Mya who
have been patiently awaiting your arrival. The
"three amigos" together again!!! Thank you
Taylor for giving us so much and asking for so
little in return. Til next time "Taylor Taylor
Sweet Potator."
~ Kahla & Carl Ennis |

Shomberg's Showdown At High Noon "Cooper"
February 9, 2003 - August 4, 2015
Owned and forever loved
by Carl & Kahla Ennis
It is with the deepest sadness that
I tell you that our beloved old boy Cooper has departed this world
for a better place.
For twelve and half years Cooper epitomized what we love about our
GSPs, even if in his case he was "Supersized!"
He had a huge heart, unbelievable hunting skills, an enormous
capacity to love and an infinite zest for life.
As our oldest, Cooper happily
and without reservation
welcomed four more shorthaired pups into our home. I truly believe
he thought these special little packages
were delivered solely for his pleasure.
His hunting skills were legendary.
Over the years, he turned average hunters into geniuses. Including
Carl while garnering many new friends for both of them.
There is so much to remember
and our hearts overflow with happiness
as we remember the countless wonderful experiences spent with this
special dog.
Even though he is gone, I know that whenever Carl dons his hunting
gear on a crisp fall day, he will feel his presence. As he hunts the
tall grass of SD, he will always be by his side. Knowing his pain
and suffering is over and he is sprinting across fields of golden
makes it easier to let go.
we will always deeply miss our
"Super Duper Cooper."

Rest In Peace
Ch Shomberg's Pawnee Love Song JH CGC
Owned and deeply loved
by John and Bev Hoover
Beautiful Maggie, you have been such a special
girl and you will be so missed. A very sad day
indeed for your family. You will forever be held
close in heart and remembered with deep love and
affection. May you run the fields of heaven and
rest in the lap of God until your family comes
to meet you once again. |

Shomberg's Epic Saga
(CH.Shomberg's Browning Citori x CH.Starlite's Calamity Jane)
June 27, 2001 - January 2, 2016
Companion and Family Member
Loved by Matt & Mary Laur
We are forever grateful that Saga graced our lives,
and though we have over 14 years of wonderful memories
to keep him near, we will miss him always. ~ Mary & Matt

Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable
(CH.Shannon's Hearts Afire x CH.Shomberg's
Feather Duster)
September 11, 1995 - March 10, 2009
Owned and cherished by Connie Chiasson
Beautiful girl, beloved beyond words, passing
with the dignity you so deserved -- taking with
you a part of a deeply broken heart and a trail
of wonderful and special memories far more dear
than words can convey.

Perfectly Summerized
December 3, 1997 -
November 10, 2007
owned and loved immeasurably by Jammie, Wendy,
Grant and Ashton Shanholtz.
"Our beloved little one who started us on one very
incredible journey for which we will eternally be grateful."
Stephen's Gabby Greta ("Greta"), cherished and loved
by Steve and Sharon.

Ch. Shomberg's Sweet Sophie JH
(Ch. Shannon's Hearst Afire x Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster)
Sept. 11, 1995 - Nov. 19, 2007
Sophie was owned and deeply loved by Brenda Rhodes

Shomberg's Little Bitte Love
"Bitte" (Ch. Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster)
"Bitte will be so truly missed and has always been an adored member of the Parks family. Steve and I will so miss all of our family get-togethers at Stu and Shelly's with Bitte relaxing on her chaise lounge as she loved to be a part of every family occasion; the tales of her squirrel chasing always the topic of many stories and great laughter. And now this great sadness shadows our day and is shared among all of us but is most assuredly borne by those who loved her most dearly every day of her life -- Stu, Shelly, Nicole, Rene' and her canine family, Hattie, Raisin and Midge."

CH. Shomberg's Betamillion On Me
"Gabby" (Ch.Shannon's Hearts Afire x Ch.Shomberg's Feather Duster)
December 3, 1997 ~ February 25, 2008
"Gabby" was bred by Steve & Sharon, and loved, unbelievably spoiled and cherished by Margaret Minuth of Southport, NC.

Ch. Shomberg's River Shannon
("Madison") owned and truely loved
by Cathe Gossman.
Madison -
Having given so much happiness to eachnt/favorite_photos/20010924/kay_2.jpg" target="_blank">
Diplomat's Winsome
Kay (Ch.Adam's Diplomat x Stephen's Gabby Greta ) "Kay" in September 1990.
Diplomat's Winsome Kay (Ch.Adam's Diplomat x Stephen's Gabby Greta ) "Kay" was bred by Steve and Sharon and taken to
love by Connie Chiasson at 3 years of age until she was 17 yrs.
"Bright and beautiful; a dog of unparalleled devotion. Dear Kay,
you gave a lifetime of love in only 17 years. Undeniably, you blessed
us and those who knew you not only with your contribution to our
future breedings but also in the love you chose to share with all of
your "people." You are missed so much but always remembered
with smiles and the knowledge that you wait for us at "home."
Watch for us, sweet love."