Leesy, Wendy and Jammie out for a day with Shomberg dogs.

Shomberg's Perfectly Summerized ("Summer") swimmin'.
Owned and loved by Jammie & Wendy Shanholtz.

Ch.Shomberg's Ltd. Edition Bear
("Bear," Ch.Riverside's Country Legend CD x Ch. Oaklore's Katja von Shomberg)Littermate to Feather Duster, all around good 'ol boy, Specialty winner, hates bees, loves the Dairy Queen. Bred by Steve & Sharon and loved beyond words by Wendy (Dattilio) & Jammie

on "Dixie." Schuykill Valley GSP
Hunt Test (Apprentice/Master - Senior).

Gabby Greta ("Greta").

and Greta (Stephen's Gabby Greta) at 10
weeks old 1973.

"Grant is un-doubtedly our future "junior handler" and is already loving the dogs and they think he's pretty neat too, especially when he's
(baiting them) i.e., dropping treats from his highchair."

Grant, saying hello to new mom, Katja.

Ch. Shomberg Elwing deLiverance ("Hailey"), owned and loved
by Marty Cornell, summer of 1998.

Ch. Shomberg Elwing deLiverance ("Hailey")

Shomberg and Shannon's Heart & Soul ("George")
working the field. Owned and loved by Pat Crowley and Ginny

Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster ("Feather"), Marco's dam
and "Queen" at Shomberg.
Friend Jim Dougherty with Bailey and Mitzi after a good day.

Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable

Primary Victory ("Vicky") in 1986 enjoying her puppies; a devoted mother and wonderful companion.

Shomberg's Imperial Delegate ( "Ruger"), Ch. Canning's Mein CTM von Shomberg ( "Heidi") and
Ch. CTM Lady Annaleise CD ( "Anna"); the latter 2 are owned and loved by Ted & Marian Elsasser (CTM GSPs). January 1989.

Jolly Holly By Golly C.G.C. "Holly" (Ch. Shannon's Hearts Afire x
Ch. Shomberg's Feather Duster). Owned, loved and spoiled beyond belief by Emily & Fred Sloviko of Thurmont, MD. Holly is "sister" to the famous and multi-talented GSP "Buddy," seen on national televisions' Animal Planet and is also very talented in her own right.
Steve, Nancy Conrad and Betsy Yates at the 1998 GSPCA Nationals, Carlisle, PA.
Chase when he finished his Junior Hunt Test title
with Sharon handling him to the title. He is owned
and loved by Emory & Peg Shipley.
Steve and Matt, 1978.

Wendy holding "Summer" at 6 weeks.

Newest "grandpup" here at Shomberg - Stephen Grant Shanholtz ( shown with Sharon).
To see more of Grant click

and Porshe (a pup from the 2002 litter).

and her choice from the 2003 Indian litter,
Shomberg's No Reservations ("Annika").
April, future National Specialty winner, at 8 weeks posing for
her calendar shot. Owned by Leesy McDonnell.

Shomberg N Partrdge Run Pinup Girl ("Tierney," Ch.Shomberg's Browning Citori x Ch.Starlite's Calamity Jane) Littermate to Monroe, Gable and Charise from the first breeding. She is bench pointed and having a great time enjoying the bird field. Bred by Steve & Sharon; she loves and owns Brenda Rhodes and is spoiled shamelessly in return.

Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable
("Sable") |
Ch.Riverside's Runaround Sue ("Suzie") and Shomberg 'N
Scattergun's Liver Pate "Missy" owned by Ginger &
Tim Cerniglia.

Primary Victory ("Vicky"). Dam of AKC Centennial Show BOB winner, Ch.Canning's Re-Evaluation as well as Ch. Compromise's Lady Bess, Canning's Gambel von Shomberg and Ch. Canning's Mein CTM von
Shomberg. Owned and loved by Michael F. Canning Sr.