Katja & Spirit Litter
Shomberg's Katja Bthe Heartstrng
x Ch.
Crest Silver Spirit JH
born June 4th, 2005
See the six week puppy photographs here.
Introducing Our New Spring Line of Designer
The collection will be shown
at a runway
near you!

Click to see
this litter's
pedigree |
Five very healthy pups were born 3 minutes apart starting at about 12:58 am, June 4th.
The 3 boys (1 ticked, and 2 liver) are
Armani, Versace, and Halston. And the 2 girls (1 ticked, and 1 liver) are
Dior, and Prada.
One boy weighed in at 1-1/4 lbs, and all the
rest were 1-1/2 lbs each at birth.
Katja has been blissfully feeding and
all the pups and all are doing
well. She is a bit uncomfortable from
the c-section, but otherwise recovering
The Premier Photo Shoot Layout
on images to see larger versions

Litter" 24 hours old --
Halston, Armani, Prada, Dior, and
Versace |

Prada, Versace, Dior, Halston
& Armani at 1 week old

(on back), Dior, Prada
and Armani at 2 weeks

at 2-1/2 weeks |

at 2 weeks |

(w/3 spots), and Prada
at 2-1/2 weeks

at 2 weeks |

Versace, Halson, Dior
& Halston at 3 weeks |
about the puppies below and more about Katja and Spirit here!
Monday, August 1, 2005
All of the puppies are doing wonderfully and I cannot
begin to describe how intelligent and wonderful they are
and how I have enjoyed them. Saturday, July 30, found
them reaching their 8 week birthday and Friday began their
trips off to their new homes.
Halston was the first to leave for his new home near Philadelphia,
PA, with Nia and Evan Tzanis on Friday, July 29th. His name
remains "Halston" and he is doing wonderfully at adjusting to
his new home already. I am promised updates and photos to be able
to follow his growth and his new adventures. As lovely as he is,
Nia and Evan plan to have Aunt Patty handle Halston when the time
comes for him to enter the conformation ring. We are thrilled that
he has such a wonderful new home!!
Versace left Saturday morning for Lincoln, NE with his new "dad,"
Mark Harris. He has arrived in Nebraska and is enjoying being the
center of attention in the Harris household, where the children
totally enjoyed their first meeting with him. The trip home in the
van went well and Mark managed to keep this happy little pup assured
that all was well on such a long trip. Mark and Terri's oldest
daughter, Skye, suggested the name "Argos" and so it will be, and it
is a good, strong name. In my heart he will always be Versace and
Steve and I are looking forward to seeing him in Phoenix in May of
2006 at the NSS.
Still en route to Sea Ranch, CA is Dior with George and Kathie
Anderson. My morning report this a.m. assured me that she is
"sooo sweet, terribly affectionate and very smart" as their first
night on the road found them hoteling it without any incidents at
all. This lovely young liver bitch is now called "Gracie" so that
George has his counterpart, the team of "George & Gracie" - ha, ha.
We are excited that she will be yet another lovely solid liver
Shomberg representative on the wext coast, and we so look forward to
seeing her again in May 2006 in Phoenix, too.
Armani and Prada remain here at home and seem to be none the worse
for their separation from sister and brothers. They enjoyed an evening
running and playing in the grass and I am happier than ever that all
of these youngsters are doing so well and continue to make both
Steve and I very happy. This was a very solid and well thought out
breeding and we cannot be more thrilled with the results as we watch
them develop from day to day. What a lovely litter !!!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Things here are quite lively from day to day and all of the puppies are
showing a great deal of individuality and personality. They are extremely
smart and already have taken corrections unlike many puppies at 5-6 weeks
of age, which I find very unusual. Each is a very unique little personality
that I have come to know and truly enjoy in so many ways. Their structure
is very uniform and they have little that I would change in any way and maybe
not at all. Steve and I are extremely happy with this blend of genes that
has produced, not only very good structure, but also very sound, very
attractive and well-balanced puppies.
Versace is the "love bug" and he is not only cuddly but also very sensitive
to my expressions and my body language. He totally enjoys being cuddled and
kissed and he responds accordingly with many licks and nibbles. He is playful
and seems to be very middle of the road; not too dominant nor is he shy.
Versace loves to investigate new things and is always looking for new toys
and new encounters. I simply love his affectionate and rather quiet demeanor.
Versace has the outstanding blend of overall affectionate charm and funny wit
in his personality that most GSP lovers would adore.
Armani is still "the thinker" and he continues to sit back and watch as
everyone tests out the new toys and the different happenings around the kitchen.
He has long ago and early on established himself as the leader though he is
not over-bearing at all. He will stand his ground quietly if another puppy
is antagonizing him but after so many confrontations -- he makes his
presence known just firmly enough to gain the respect of his siblings. He
is very affectionate, quiet and attentive to his world around him. He has
"presence" -- and that's a good attribute to have. He almost seems to know
he is destined to be a "force" whether it is in the world of conformation,
the field or simply in the family who will be lucky enough to share his life.
Halston is still the heavyweight of the litter. He is very playful, very
inquisitive and loves to check out new things in his world. Halston adores
being held and cuddled and will allow you to do just about anything as long
as he is on the receiving end of the attention. Having his father's lovely
symmetry and style he is very flashy, very handsome and so very balanced
overall. Halston strives hard to make me happy and is always at my feet should
I need a chuckle or someone to hold and love. He is always ready for that!
When I stand him to evaluate his structure, he seems to always know that he is
"on" and that's a very good thing for any dog who will wow onlookers in a
conformation ring.
Dior is the girl with ATTITUDE and that has a capital "A" at the front -
ha, ha. She is fearless and loves to be the very first one to do everything.
Dior has a lovely body and so much personality that it literally stands out
all over her body. She is quick, very smart and there is nothing she won't
do -- and do it well. Her movement across the floor leaves me breathless as
her stride even at this age is just beautiful and so correct. She adores
attention and still loves to be in control of her surroundings. The worst
thing that could happen would be for her to get the upperhand because
she will likely always choose to be a leader. She carries herself with
confidence and she's lovely -- and she knows it :-))
Prada was quiet -- for a time. No more! She has boundless energy and is very
quick to do everything. She can be cautious but once she finds out she doesn't
need to be wary, she is there, and everyone knows it. She has a beautiful face
and she uses that charm to her advantage. She takes no guff from any sibling
and the boys know that if she grumbles her displeasure, they'd better stop
aggravating her.
She is quick to voice her displeasure if breakfast is late in coming and she
does everything at full throttle. When she is tired she crashes quickly and then
she awakes to start all over again. Never a dull moment with this girl around.
The puppies are all very confident and seem to be very secure in their
surroundings. They meet people with excitement and they totally enjoy every
waking minute of their day. As I have said before, they are more intelligent
that some puppies their age by comparison as I have evaluated litters over
the years. They are lively and happy and I will truly miss these little ones when
the time comes for them to leave.
They are a pleasure and there isn't a day that I am not grateful for their
presence in my life. They make me smile always and that's a very wonderful
"gift" for any breeder to receive. Added to that the fact that they are one
of the most uniform and consistent litters we've been blessed to have they
are a breeder's dream. These lovely puppies will surely make the GSP world
stand up and take notice! My only regret is that one or more of these beautiful
puppies might not ever have the chance to gain the titles they will so deserve.
Friday, July 8, 2005
All puppies are up and runnin' now and beginning to get a bit rowdy though that is expected at this age. Overall they are still a very content litter and they still take quite a few naps. Their primary concern remains food and
they are gaining weight rapidly with most weight ranges at 8 to 9.5 lbs
right now.
They resent their nails being clipped and voice their objections though I
have been very good not to nick anyone yet. I am beginning to see somewhat
of a pecking order with Armani positioning himself as the leader. That
will likely last for a few days and then another puppy will take
over and so it goes. The girls have allowed the boys to be "leaders" up to
this time but will surely change that situation as the weeks move forward.
I truly think they like to have the boys think they are really in charge
when all along the girls know that they are the ones who will eventually
run the show :-)
Dior is always happy and her tail wags continuously. She is the "little
Katja" in this litter as Katja always seems to have one in every litter
that is very much like her. Prada, tends to be more reserved in nature but
is always observant of her surroundings. She plays and entertains herself
unless another puppy entices her to play. That doesn't mean that Prada
doesn't have her moments and she'll easily take control when she is pushed
beyond her limits. She will quickly scold any sibling that decides to make a
game at her expense.
Versace loves cuddling and he is apt to be the one who comes running first when
there is attention to be shared. Armani sits quietly and observes every
situation before making any moves. I have termed him "the thinker." He reminds
me much of his Uncle Marco as a baby. Halston prefers to remain low-key and he
waddles back and forth as he surveys the territory and decides just which toy
he would like to play with next. He is roly-poly and cuddly with a very
easy personality. Occasionally there's a tussle among the crew but it last
for only minutes and they are on to new adventures.
The kitchen has been explored and soon they will spend even more time there as
I go through my day. The floor will be mopped thousands of times and the
toys and floor mats will be everywhere. When bedtime comes it isn't much
different than putting a child down for the night. Often there are objections
but it soon gives way to restful sleep. At 6 a.m -- it's breakfast time and
those little inner alarm clocks know it well as they noisily bark for their
first meal of the day.
In the next day Katja will stop nursing them altogether as she has already begun
the transition for them on her own. Those little milk teeth can be brutal and
she isn't into the pain any longer. It will be a few days of discomfort and
then she'll be pretty much back to normal after she begins to dry up and lose
her milk. They will miss her but quickly adjust as they are now eating their
puppy food and it sustains them well. Water has become a source of drink
though it also is used for a bit of splash and play from time to time as well.
Every day is a new adventure and I am totally enjoying these lovely babies.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Puppies are now up and motoring around. They travel easily from their box and
bed into their "yard" for an occasional potty call. They still don't go without mistakes but they are trying very hard to get it right. It still makes me smile as I watch them at 3 weeks of age choose to move onto the paper in their yard rather than soil their bedding. Instincts are just amazing.
Sunday found them actually playing with a few of their toys for the first time as they
now notice everything around them. They have also taken to a bit of roughhousing with
one another and they seem to enjoy their interaction and playtime.
Teeth are coming through the gums and so it will be less comfortable for
Katja to nurse them moving forward. But she is still the ever attentive mother
and comes quickly from wherever she might be in the house when she hears them
barking or grumbling their displeasure. Just as with human mothers she rarely
has the chance to relax and take time for herself except when they are
They hear my voice and react now whenever I come near their box. Instantly
little heads pop up and they listen to determine where I might be. When
one awakes, they all get up to see what's happening in their small world
at the moment.
Their first taste of puppy gruel elicited a mixed response. Prada
(ticked girl) wasn't impressed. Armani thought it was very tasty and Versace
agreed. Dior (liver girl) was quiet and ate with little hesitation though
when she had her fill, she was quick to pull away and retreat.
Halston -- well, nothing much ever bothers Halston. He's very relaxed and
takes everything in stride so there's little that causes him to become
ruffled. He has the most ho-hum attitude of the group and nothing is more
important to him than sleep right now :-))
All is well and everyone is doing wonderfully. Had I not been really
overwhelmed with Noah's care and unfortunately his passing, photos would
have been up. But alas they are not. I will try to do better in the next
few days.
-- Stay tuned for more puppy happenings in the days and weeks ahead.
Saturday, June 18, 2005 - The puppies are two weeks old today.
Every puppy's eyes are just about open completely. Versace (liver male)
was the first and was closely followed by Dior ( liver girl ). One by one each little bundle had visible opening that began in the corners and moved outward. In only a matter of hours all seemed to me progressing toward having their eyes visible. They have very limited vision at this age and my understanding is that shadows and light seem to be recognizable to them but little more. The eyes actually appear as cloudy little blue orbs and their ability to focus and distinguish objects insn't possible just yet. This will take a few days.
Next will be their ears as the small wrinkled folds begin to open slowly.
They can sense vibrations and I seem to feel that there is a part of their
hearing that is beginning to come but is still not yet complete. They rely
a great deal on other senses at this time ; especially their smell which is very
good even at this age.
In holding them and caressing their little bodies, I always see reactions to
touch and they seem to be soothed and very relaxed when held close to my body;
sometimes dozing off for awhile.
They are now pushing themselves up and onto their feet as best they can
and are quite wobbley though they manage to get across their box rather well.
Bumping into one another provides obstacles that seem to be ever moving but
they continue to move around their box and I am able to see their leg
strength build daily. They still prefer eating and sleeping and are quite
content with full bellies. The only time I hear their objections is when
Katja decides it's bath time and begins to roll them around as she wahes
them. At this time actual tiny "barks" are easily discernable and quite funny
to hear from such tiny pups. Of course as with all mothers, Katja doesn't
really become disuaded by their vocalizations.
Katja is doing wonderful and seems to be enjoying her puppies just as she
always has. She is in good weight and eating well which allows her to be able
to meet their nourishment needs. In about another week I will begin to transition
them to their puppy gruel as a beginning to introducing them to regular food in
later weeks. Each puppy is introduced to their liquid gruel individually until
I am quite sure that everyone knows how to lap their food without ingesting
it into their lungs. This is always messy and fun to see as each puppy gets
the idea rather quickly that this mushy, wet substance not only tastes good
but it's also fun to lick off the excess that accumulates on brothers and
More to come.
Monday June 13, 2005 - Katja / Spirit "Pupdate"
As is usually the case time seems to get away when it comes to all of
the daily commitments that come with a batch of newborns so I sincerely
apologize for the delay as many are waiting for any bit of news on the
newest arrivals. My days are spent doing more laundry for them than for us
and I have been extremely busy with the care of the pups and Katja as well
as the other dogs here who also require daily attention and care.
Katja is a devoted mother who is attending to the needs of her new puppies in
the same caring manner as with previous litters. All of the puppies have the
advantage of having 2 places at the "dinner table" and it shows, as they are
quite fat and rolly poly. Their days at this point are spent eating –
sleeping – eating -- sleeping and squeaking their discontent over numerous
cleanings from mom. They have been scooting around their box now since birth
and are becoming quite the travelers. Each day finds them a bit more
skilled at getting from point A to point B. They sleep in a cluster from time
to time but more often I watch them go off to sleep alone which tells me that
they might well show a high degree of independence as they grow older.
That's a good thing in my opinion.
When I hold them close and speak to them I am now seeing a reaction to my
voice and though their eyes are still closed I can see the movement that indicates
that it won't be long until they are open; another few days. Their heads move
around as if to acknowledge the tones of my voice and they prefer to be held
very close which gives them a very secure feeling I'm sure. Having such round
little bodies more often seems to me like I am holding a furry ball with four
little fat legs. They are very chubby at this time and that will begin to
change after they become weight bearing and begin to actually become more active
Today (Monday) will find them having their first nail clipping which isn't a
terrible thing as their nails are still quite soft. Katja is providing all of
the "cleanings" needed and so there is little to do aside from keeping their
box clean and blanketed. I have taken a few pictures and will try to take a
few more today. It is rather difficult to get much in the way of a good photo
at this age, as they seem to appear more as folds of fur with a knob for a
head. But, knowing that everyone is anxiously awaiting some pictures I will
attempt to take some individual photos later today for display on the website.
I thank you all for your calls and your e-mails as well as your understanding
that things here are quite busy and are not likely to slow down anytime soon.
The puppies are simply beautiful and we are thankful that Katja and babies
are doing so very well.
Puppies will be placed in exceptional homes where they will be loved and valued.
We welcome inquiries, but request that all interested parties first read through
the pages outlining our puppy placement practices
and philosophy. Priority will be
given to those who will provide the many opportunities for them to excel and
achieve their full potential. And as always -- they are to be "family
members" first and foremost.