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Ch. Shomberg's Wrapped In Sable
January 24, 2008
More about Monroe & Shain
"Totally Intoxicating"

Monroe and Shain had 9 puppies,
7 girls and 2 boys!

From the "Top Shelf" Menu:

Boys - Mojito and Cosmo

Girls - Martini, Mimosa, Bellini,
Margarita, Sangria,
Julep and Daquiri

Read the Pup-Date from the lounge,
and see the photos at 4 weeks old
and see the photos at 6 weeks old NEW!
photos at 7 weeks old
stacked !
Totally Intoxicating!
The Lineup
Here are a few photographs of the new borns.  On most, you can click on them for a larger version.
Monroe and Shain's New Born Puppies Monroe and Shain's New Born Puppies
Sharon and a one-week-old Puptini
Puppy Pile Puppy Pile
Puppy Pile Puppy Pile
Puppy Pile Monroe and Shain puppy
Monroe and Shain puppy
Puppies are pictured below at just shy of 4 weeks old.
Click on each picture for a larger version.
Jazz - Monroe's adopted daughter
Cosmo (male)
Mojito (male)

"The Pup-Date" from Shomberg's "Totally Intoxicating" Litter 

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Well it seems that time has just whizzed by me and the time required to care for 2 litters of very active puppies has kept me continually playing catch up. And so, we took some casual photos of the youngest crew, the Totally Intoxicating Litter so that everyone could get a sense of what they look like at just shy of 4 weeks of age. In looking at the pictures you should understand that they didn't have a clue as to what we were asking of them so their expressions seem somewhat anxious. But we think they are still just adorable.

The puppies are very active and move about their box and yard quite a bit. They have found their voices and now "sing" right along with their roomies (the Maggie/Palmer group) as they wait for their meals and anyone who will reach over to hoist them into waiting arms. They enjoy cuddling and sniff out every inch of your being for what might possibly be food. Small, fluffy toys that make animals noises are entertaining and they also enjoy an occasional chew on another puppy's ear or tail as a distraction. They miss nothing that is within earshot and their vision seems to be quite sharp as they not only watch the older puppies at play but also watch daily activities around our home. Noises from the kitchen and the TV are never a concern and as their time approaches for actual "kitchen time" they will soon find their adventures on and under my bakers rack to be the best playtime of all.

Mealtime is always entertaining here as we watch 4-week-old puppies begin to enjoy the community food pan. True to form they occasionally take a slide through the contents but more importantly they are smart enough to clean one another off after dinner is over. If all else fails, Monroe is always close by to take over the cleaning up chores as they seem to love the attention and she loves the residue from the puppy food. A quick power nap and they are back to playing and watching as the older adult dogs oversee their activities and shower them with attention, as they love to do.

The week ahead should be interesting as the older puppies will be leaving for their new homes and the Monroe/Shain puppies take over center stage and begin their days as the dominant population here at Shomberg Central. Time seems to be going by so fast and I am savoring that sweet smell of puppy breath that will all too soon be just a memory that I hold dear.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The puppies are becoming very active now, and they crawl everywhere within their box and in some instances -- out of the box, too. Eyes will be opening very soon as I am seeing movement behind their lids and they also have found their voices. They are a very content group of puppies and typically only voice displeasure when Monroe chooses to roll them about their box as she cleans them. That seems to get everyone in a frenzy but quickly settles as they begin to nurse and life is good once again.

Their coats appear darker now and I am confident that most will be roan in color though one or two might stay a bit lighter in coloration. Bellini seems to be the lightest in coat color and she is the puppy pictured in hand and in the Anne Geddes style close-up photo. She also is the smallest at the moment but not by much at all. Then we have "Mojito" who I am sure has caused everyone to scratch their head and say "wow, that puppy looks as if he is tinted green". Well, since birth and for the time being, he is. Hence his name is "Mojito," which seems to suit him.

Weigh-ins and nail clipping is the most activity they've seen to date. Monroe attends to their every need and is the most wonderful mother to her puppies that any breeder could hope to have. She has also taken over the care of Sadie's single puppy as Sadie prepares to go back home to South Dakota with her family.

Having gone through a rough time as it was, we felt it best to allow Sadie's life to return to normal now that she has recovered from her c-section. This also allows for her singleton puppy to have siblings and enjoy the bonding that is so good for every puppy to have. Monroe welcomed little "Jazz" into her box and her life and what a blessing for this little, liver puppy to have not one but two mothers. Needless to say we were not surprised at all that Monroe keeps little Jazz close and treats her as if she had been born to her. What a fabulous bitch she is and yet another reason why she is so very special to all of us.

I am quite sure that stories will be forthcoming as this litter begins to see their world and enjoy the adventures that it holds for each of them. Stay tuned for fun times ahead as I know that these puppies won't be outdone by their "roomies" in the next box. Life is going to become interesting!

Friday, February 1, 2008
I am pleased to report that the newest puppies from Monroe and Shain are thriving and gaining weight. It's hard to believe that already they are 1 week old. They are a content and very peaceful little group as Monroe is an excellent mother and extremely attentive just as she was with her first litter.

They are moving easily about their whelping box and so far only one attempt at escape by a rather mis-guided female that decided after a few moments of trying that her options might be better if she remained on the inside of the box rather than outside. Monroe simply watched and looked up at me as if to question what we should do. Returning her to her siblings with a wail, she scurried back to the warmth and comfort of their bodies where she piled on and settled to sleep. Monroe settled in once again, curling around her puppies and all was right with the world.

One week, one handful.
Nursing and sleeping are their primary activities for now but I am well aware that this too will change in the next two weeks as they begin to gain sight and experience the many wonders of their new home. They seem to be an adventurous group overall and I found myself called to their box very early this morning with a pitiful squeal that was clearly a cry for help. Looking into the box I could see that yet again, one tiny soul had found herself bottom side up with legs peddling and head down between her mother and the corner of the box. She obviously climbed over her mother's side only to slide over Monroe's ribcage and downward into the crevice, which she found to be somewhat unpleasant judging from her frantic call for rescue. One puppy retrieved and back to the comfort of mom's warm belly and it was back to the sofa for me.

All nine puppies are lovely and we are thrilled with some of the features we see even at this early age. Gramma Patty spent the week and was able to visit with Monroe and babies, which always delights Monroe as she gets even more love and attention plus extra treats from the biscuit jar too. She is spoiled shamelessly and enjoys every minute. She watches us as we move the puppies about and she appears almost proud to have given us yet another beautiful litter to dote upon and enjoy. How much better could life be!

Puppies will be placed in exceptional homes where they will be loved and valued. We welcome inquiries, but request that all interested parties first read through the pages outlining our puppy placement practices and philosophy. Priority will be given to those who will provide the many opportunities for them to excel and achieve their full potential. And as always -- they are to be "family members" first and foremost.

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